R-sD Part 2

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"Alright now that we've got our tickets and have put our bags away, let's go-"

"Through the metal detectors!" Light cut off the blondie excitedly.

"Yep. Let's go." Alex replied as she led the group towards the "metal detectors" as Light had said.

They placed their hand bags on the conveyor belt as they made their way through the machine and then waited patiently for their bags to appear.

Alex continued to lead the squad once they had all their stuff. Now near their airplane's boarding gate, they settled down on a group of vacant seats and waited for their time to board the plane.

"I am hungry." Light said loudly as his stomach grumbled.

"Light, you just ate a taco!" Sora exclaimed as he woke up from his power nap.

"No, that was so many hours ago!" The lavender haired boy fought back.

"Light we can go get food together and bring some back for the rest of the squad!" Charli said in an attempt to break up the silly argument.

"That is a great idea Charli." He said in reply as he got up.

The two made their way towards the food area, their chatter fading away as they got farther.

"So guys, what are you planning on doing once we get there?" Alex said to the remaining members of the squad as she returned her attention back to them.

"I'll take a long nap." Said Levi with a dead look on his face, it seemed the driving had been too tiring for him.

"I'm gonna buy plushies for Charli and me!" Luca said happily as he flashed his white smile.

"Y'know what I'm gonna do." Jaxx half whispered as he kept his eyes on his once again sleeping boyfriend.

"Mhm mhm! I've got my lips sealed." Alex said with a sly smile on her face as her orange eyes sparkled.


"We're back!" Charli exclaimed as the two walked towards the squad with a tray of food in hand.

"Mmm that smells delicious!" Alex said giddily as she quickly made her way to the food.

"Hey blue boy, it's time to wake up. Food's here." The red head muttered to Sora as he ruffled his hair gently.


"It's almost time for our flight, anyone need to go to the restroom?" Alex said as she cleaned up their small feast.

"Ooh ooh! Me me!" Charli said as she threw away her trash quickly.

No one else seemed to want to go; Light was busy listening to music, the brothers were chatting, and Sora and Jaxx were sleeping together. So they made their way towards the bathroom.

"Alex, you think Sora's gonna say yes?" The pumpkin haired girl asked suddenly as she interrupted the silence of their steps.

"Huh? Well it's not the real deal, y'know? But I'm sure he will. Who wouldn't? Haven't you seen how in love those two are?" Alex replied with a giggle.

"Hehe, you're right. They're made for each other." Charli said as she opened the door to the bathroom.


Hihi! I think I had more to write, but I'd rather leave it off here and have the airplane scenes be in the next chapter. Pretty chill chapter, small ship moments. Sleepy Sora has contributed a lot to these ship moments lol! Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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