Matchmaker - Soraxx

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Requested by TheRobloxianNub

A/N: This takes place during their enemies stage


"Aw come on! It would be the best idea ever, those two need to stop fighting after all..." Charli muttered as she pouted at her friends in front of her.

"Well... I won't say it's a bad idea," Alex muttered. "but... we just don't wanna get in between them." The blonde said softly as she fiddled with her hands.

The others nodded in agreement, clearly all afraid of what could happen to them if they tried to resolve Sora and Jaxx's rivalry. Charli glanced over at her best friend, turning to her last resort of pleading. "Please..." she whimpered as she gave her best attempt at puppy eyes.

Luca shook his head slowly, a sad smile on his face. "I'd love to help you Charli, but Alex is right. We don't know how those two would take our meddling into their arguments." His words concluded their small meeting, everyone standing up from their places in the ginger's room and bidding their goodbyes.

Charli waved back sadly, unsure of what to do now that her plan had been crushed into tiny pieces. She walked over to her bed, sitting down and wrapping her arms around one of her soft orange throw pillows. She decided to come up with a new plan. It didn't matter if her friends weren't on board, she'd make it her goal to fix Sora and Jaxx's relationship. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a knock on her door.

Sora's special knock.

She got up, putting the pillow she had been holding back in its original place on her bed. "Coming!" She exclaimed happily as she skipped over to the door. She opened it to be met with the bluenette, who stood with a small orange shovel in hand. The ginger welcomed him in eagerly, both sitting down on the carpet that adorned the middle of the room.

"What's up?" She asked once they were both settled on the floor.

"I went out looking for some more shovels, and found this one!" Sora said as he presented her the shovel he had been holding in his hand. "I thought you'd like it." He continued as he gave her a grin and dropped it into her hands.

"Aww, thanks Sora." Charli mumbled happily as her amber eyes sparkled down at the miniature shovel in her hands. She placed it on her bedside table, turning back to Sora after. Her eyes no longer sparkled with happiness, now only with a sort of mischievousness.

"Hey Sora, I've got something to ask you." She started, Sora nodding in return for her to continue. "I've been asking the other Squad members how they feel about each other! Every day I'll be doing a certain person, and for today, it's Jaxx." Sora's smile faded as his body seemed to tense up.

"Mhm?..." He hummed slowly as he dared Charli to go on. The ginger took note of how he reacted to her bringing up Jaxx, a plan forming in her head.

"I've already asked the others, so now you're the only one left!" She chirped as she gave him a smile.

"Do I have to?" He asked back, his tone flat and his eyes now narrowed. Charli nodded back in reply, making it clear that she wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Fine. What do you want then?" He asked as he let out a sigh, his arms crossed across his chest.

"Lets talk about the likes and dislikes! Tell me about what you like about him." She spoke, all the while rummaging under her bed for a small journal. She hummed happily as she took hold of it, pen already in hand. She opened the journal to a blank page, nodding at Sora for him to begin talking.

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