Trivia Night

688 11 13

Requested by charlex4life


"Double date time!" Alex exclaimed as she rounded up the quadruple in her living room.

"Well it's not much of a double date when you're gonna be five wheeling on it," Sora muttered amid the chatter of the others.

"Sora, that's not even a word..." Jaxx hissed back at his boyfriend.

"Shut up!" The shorter replied as he stuck his tongue out.

"Both of you shut up!!" The blonde yelled, breaking up the fight.

The room got quiet, the half enemies back on normal terms.

Alex paced around the room as she explained the game's rules to the couples; Charlight vs Soraxx, 2 rounds with 10 questions each, 2 minutes to talk and answer, and a prize of Levi's chocolate cake for the winning team.

Once finished explaining, she passed out a sheet of paper and a pen for each team.

"Alright are we all on the same page?" Alex asked with a big smile while she set up the PowerPoint.

"Will we be getting food?" Light asked, his thoughts on all the possible delicacies he might get.

"You can have a 10 minute break in between the rounds and vacuum down whatever you want," Alex replied back, getting the point across that Light was on his own and that food wasn't gonna be distributed by her.

"Enough time for me to get some tacos!" The lavender haired boy exclaimed happily.

"Maybe we'll finally get to see where you get these infamous tacos from," Sora replied back with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Not a chance!" The shorter shot back as he closed his eyes proudly.

"Okay, we're all set up!" The blonde interrupted as she stood next to the PowerPoint screen, ready to start the game.

The group settled down as they turned their attention towards their leader, or well, gameshow host.

"First question," Alex started "Who was the first member to join the Squad?"

The teammates looked at each other as they began to talk about the question.

"Well if we don't count the members that have left, it would be me." Jaxx stated.

"I guess you've earned your bragging rights, huh?" Sora asked as he wrote down the answer.

On the other side, Charli and Light had different thoughts.

The pumpkin haired girl looked deep in thought as she thought about the question; what if it was simpler than it seemed?

"Light, what if the answer is Alex herself?" She asked as she peeked at their leader.

"Is it possible for Alex to have joined the squad that she created herself?" He responded back.

"Well... Yes? She created and joined the squad right?" Charli asked for approval as she looked at the other.

"Makes sense," Light agreed, grabbing the pen and passing it over to Charli.

After a few minutes of discussion, the blonde brought the two teams back together.

"Alright next question, what geometric shape is generally used for stop signs?"

"Red!" Sora exclaimed proudly while he looked at his lover.

"No, that's the color Sora..." Jaxx replied while trying to hold back his giggles. "It's an octagon."

"Circle." The lavender haired boy said from the other side.

"That's not right Light, but I'm not sure either..." Charli muttered as she began to panic.

"It is what it is. I'm putting circle," Light replied blankly while he wrote down his answer.

"Time's up!" Alex called out as she turned off the beeping timer.

"Next question, what are the names of Cinderella's stepsisters?"

The game went on for a couple more hours; Once finished with the 10 questions, Alex picked up the answer sheets and came to the conclusion that Sora and Jaxx were in the lead.

"Haha! Take that Charlight!" Sora yelled as he danced around the room."

Jaxx watched as the other fooled around, while Charli explained that they could still win with the help of the next round.

"Whatever, it's time for my food!" Light exclaimed as the ring of the doorbell cut through the small chaos.

He got up to the door, talking with the delivery man for a few minutes before coming back to where the others sat waiting.

"So, are you gonna share?" The red head asked as he peered at the tacos in front of him.

"No. Get your own food!" The shorter said, still protective over his mysterious tacos.

"Aw man," The others grumbled at Light's answer as they got up from their seats to find something to eat.

"It is what it is, get over it." Light hissed proudly.


The next round was full of chaos; While Light was back on high spirits after having had something to eat, Jaxx and Sora had gotten into their own game of answering every other question independently and whoever got the most answers correct would get the bed for themselves that night.

After finally getting to the last question and finding out that Charlight had been the winner, they received their prize.

Sora and Jaxx where more upset over losing their bragging rights than not having won the chocolate cake.

Charli, being the caring friend that she was, gave up some of her portion for Sora and Jaxx.

And Jaxx, being the winner of the mini game he had played with Sora, got the bed all for himself that night.


Hihi! I honestly hate this oneshot-- I had no idea on how to write this, especially since I've never played Trivia myself so I had to do some research on the game. I'm so sorry that this second request came out wonky charlex4life, but thank you so much for requesting these past oneshots! I hope that the "First Date" oneshot makes up for it. I'm gonna try to work on the Christmas special/request today, but I'm not sure if I'll get it done in time. I also have a new year's eve Charlight oneshot special in mind, and another Soraxx oneshot that I really wanna do! I hope you guys have a great day/enjoyed this poorly written oneshot, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi

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