New Year's Kiss - Charlight

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The sound of fireworks could be heard off in the distance. It wasn't time for the countdown yet, but you know how people were; they'd start the fireworks hours before midnight had even arrived.

The Squad was hanging out in Alex's backyard, spending time with each other before the new year.

Sora and Jaxx could be heard arguing in the background about who would eat the grapes first before the countdown was finished.

They would've had already started their competition if not for Alex scolding the two every so often about having to save the grapes until later.

Luca and Levi were cooking midnight snacks; the group of friends had already eaten earlier, but it was getting late and their stomachs were begining to grumble again.

Although Levi wasn't the best cook, and the others knew it, he had been put on cooking duty since everyone else was busy at the moment. Luckily, Luca was able to help out.

Charli had been sitting far off from the others, barely visible under the tree's shadows. She was quiet as she searched for squirrels running around on the grass and on tree branches.

Suddenly Light's voice interrupted her squirrel watching, "Hey Charli, you okay?"

She jumped a bit, surprised at the sudden noise.

"Oh, hi Light! I was just looking for squirrels," She muttered quietly, afraid to scare off the cute animals for good.

"Oh... Sorry if I scared them off," The other said as he gave her an apologetic smile.

"No, it's fine. I haven't seen many either way. Only Chippi, of course.." She grumbled.

"Oh! I-I didn't mean that in a bad way. I love seeing Chippi!" The ginger apologized quickly while she took a quick look at her pet squirrel to see if it had somehow heard and taken offense.

Light giggled at her words, "How do you recognize that it's Chippi anyway?" He asked curiously as he stepped closer to her and sat down.

"He has a brighter fur color than the other squirrels. And Chippi's a lot more friendly than the others as well. He's the only one that will come near me," Charli explained as she glanced at the trees and then back at Light.

"It's so cool how Chippi's not afraid of you!" Light exclaimed, his amethyst eyes seeming to shine in the semi darkness.

The ginger suddenly stood up and walked closer to the trees, her eyes searching for her furry friend, "He's really friendly, but people never pay much attention to squirrels so they never get to see one up close."

Charli came back, an orange squirrel following at her feet with a nut in hand.

She sat back down next to Light, the small squirrel sitting a few feet away from them.

"Is that Chippi?" Light whispered while he kept his eyes on the furry creature.

"Mhm," She replied back with a big smile on her face.

Seeing as the lavender haired boy seemed to be a friend of Charli's, Chippi got closer to him and dropped the nut he was carrying in front of Light with carefulness.

"Is that for me?" Light stammered, his eyes flicking from Charli and back to the squirrel in front of him.

"Yea, I think he likes you!" She exclaimed in reply as she pointed at the nut that Chippi had dropped at Light's feet.

"Thank you," The lavender haired boy half whispered as he slowly picked up the small nut, afraid to scare Chippi away.

The squirrel seemed to nod at him before running back into the shadows and climbing up a tree without a sound.

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