Ice Cream Parlor - Charlight

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A/N: Short oneshot y'all, I deeply apologize (and sucky title, I'm running out of ideas brooo) #girlboss

Based on "Squad Does YOUR DARES #5" when Levi dares Luca to trick Charli into thinking he likes her!


Lucas' words echoed in her head as she stared back blankly at her white haired friend.

"Just a joke."

"Speaking of Light, I think I'm gonna go find him!" She said shakily as she stood up from her place on the booth, said purple haired boy popping up as her first excuse to leave.

She mumbled random nonsense in between forced chuckles as tears started to form, dashing out of the ice cream parlor before Luca could say anything else, hands clutching her purse tightly as she held back her tears.

At least until she was out the door.

Thoughts swirled around her head; She never expected Luca to treat her like that. He'd always been her best friend, he'd always cheered her up. Yet he'd done the same thing that Light had always done, and somehow, it hurt more when Luca had done it.

Her vision turned blurry as she ran down the sidewalk, unable to stop herself from crashing into the boy in front of her.

She kept her eyes on the ground as she bowed down, muttering out a rushed apology before bringing her hand up to wipe away her tears.

Her vision remained a bit blurry as she looked back up to be met with the boy she'd bumped into, her amber eyes widening slightly as she took note of his face for the first time.

"Light!" She stuttered out loudly as she took a step back, trying her best to contain herself from going over the edge and spilling out again. She tried her best to ignore the slight sting in her eyes, occupying herself with the boy in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Light asked as he broke the silence, his eyebrows shooting up slightly in quiet curiosity.

"I'm great!" Charli responded as she put on her biggest smile, closing her eyes to make it even the slightest more believable.

Light nodded silently as he studied the ginger closely. He might not be the brightest, but it was clear to see that something was bothering Charli. Her eyes were puffy and red, and her smile quivered just a bit, threatening to slip at any second. He noticed how she slipped her hands behind herself to hide their shaking, and how her eyes seemed to be glossy with fresh tears.

He nodded once more as he looked back at Charli, holding eye contact for the first time in who knows when. "Do you... Wanna go eat something?" He muttered out as he scratched his neck nervously.

It wasn't a date. No, of course not. He simply just wanted to help Charli distract herself from whatever it was that was making her sad.

"What?" Charli asked as she tilted her head slightly, taken aback by his sudden question.

"I heard this new restaurant opened up. It's got all types of food. There's Hawaiian pizza on the menu and they have fish tanks near some of the tables." He continued, his cheeks flushing softly as he took in his last sentence. Charli wouldn't pick up that he'd remembered she liked that stuff, right?

Of course she did.

Her eyes widened as a smile began to form on her lips, this time a real one. "Are you asking me out on a date?~" She said playfully as she brought her hand up to her mouth in a faked surprise.

Light shook his head furiously in response, hoping to whoever it was that lived up in the clouds that Charli couldn't see his red cheeks.

"Aw hell nah!" He stuttered out as he crossed his arms, turning his head away from Charli. The ginger let out a soft whine in return as her smile turned into a pout.

Light peeked back curiously when he noticed that Charli remained silent, his eyes landing on her saddened expression. "Fine. You can call it a date if you want..." He grumbled, his arms still crossed as he let out an irritated huff.

Charli clapped her hands excitedly before taking his hand in hers, just to make it even more romantic, and in return, Light tried to play it off despite the bright blush that painted his cheeks as he began to lead the way.


Hihi! Pleaseee y'all, have mercy on meee. I know it's short and kinda sucky, but I was going through a brainrot while writing this like a month ago and I still am... I'm sorry it isn't Soraxx, but y'knowww, I haven't written a Charlight oneshot since like April. Hopefully now that I've gotten this one out of the way I'll be able to start on a Soraxx one. Send me some requests if you have any pleaseee!! (I think it might motivate me just a tiny bit knowing that someone's waiting for me to write y'know??) Anyway, that's about all I have to say sooo hope you enjoyed reading (I doubt it bro this takes like less than three minutes to read) and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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