Everything's A Date! - Soraxx

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Yo hey, here's the og unfinished Valentine's special. Enjoy ig (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)


A/N: Valentine's special is here! <3

Sora and Jaxx came up with the idea of making everything a date for their first Valentine's together, and seeing as it had come out great, they decided to make it a tradition. On top of that, they came up with a "no arguing" rule that they also had to follow.

Song recommendation: Lvr Boy - awfultune and Intentions (acoustic) - Justin Bieber


"Psst, Jaxx!" Sora hissed loudly as he poked the other's face.

"Mmm, what is it?" Jaxx groaned, his eyes still closed as he switched sides to face Sora, "Did you have a nightmare?"


"Then I'm going back to sleep..." The red head grumbled as he flipped back to his original position.

"Noooo, come onnn! You gotta wake uppp!" Sora whined, every word more drawn out than the last.

"What time is it?" Jaxx mumbled.

"Six!" Sora exclaimed happily as he laid his head on the taller's side.

Jaxx raised his head in return and stared at Sora as he let out a stern "Sora."

Sora hummed in response, his innocent behavior strange for someone as rowdy as him.

"Why are you waking me up so early?" Jaxx questioned mid yawn, all the while having decided that there was no way to go back to sleep with Sora's nagging.

"Huh?" The shorter asked as he glanced up at Jaxx, "Today's Valentine's day!"

Jaxx stared back in silence, a foolish smile plastered on his face after a few seconds. "Well then what are we waiting for?"

"You know, I think this tradition of ours should just be an every day thing." Sora mumbled as he sat up.

"Aw Soraaa, you're finally gonna stop fighting with me?" Jaxx asked.

"To an extent... You know arguing for fun is something I enjoy." Sora replied as he winked at the other.

"I can agree with that." Jaxx spoke.

Sora watched as his lover got out of the sheets, already thinking of all the things the two would do today.

"C'mon Sora it's time for a bath." Jaxx grumbled lazily while rubbing his eyes.

"Noo, I don't wanna!" Sora whined as he shook his head.

"Buddy bath?" The red head suggested as he made his way to the bathroom, well aware that Sora would be right behind him in a few seconds.


"Why don't we take buddy baths more often?" Sora asked as he stared at the reflection of Jaxx brushing his cyan hair in the mirror.

"Because they take too long, and most of the time we're in a hurry." Jaxx replied, his eyes locking with Sora's in the mirror.

"Well then let's not be in a hurry..." Sora pouted.

Jaxx chuckled in reply while he placed down the hair brush, "Sure, Sora."

"Breakfast?" Sora asked as he glanced at the clock. It was still pretty early, but the two had gotten hungry from having woken up a while ago.

"Pancakes?" Jaxx asked in return. He knew that Sora liked when he made pancakes, regardless of it being Valentine's day or not.

"Mhm!" Sora chirped as he gave Jaxx a quick peck and then ran out the room.

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