Masquerade - Soraxx

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A/N: Honestly no idea what au this is, but all you need to know is that the Squad is part of the higher social status class, they're around their college years, and everyone is friends (except for Sora and Jaxx who are in their enemies stage).

Big thanks to -Continuar for helping me out with the roof scene!!

Also, I recommend listening to a playlist that's masquerade themed to really set the mood!


Sora fiddled with the shredded envelope as his eyes skimmed the black and pink adorned masquerade ball invitation.

His close friend, Alex, was hosting a party for her twenty third birthday, and he had been invited. He tapped his chin gently, his mind filling with all the shops he could visit in order to find the perfect attire.

Making up his mind, he gathered up the matching envelope and invitation card. The bluenette made his way out of his kitchen and stopped briefly at the bottom of the stairs, swiftly taking off his fluffy blue slippers before walking up the shiny wooden stairs, his hand softly grazing the railing. He felt as his bare feet landed on the floored carpet, the familiar soft feeling bringing a small comfort to him.

His hand reached for his bedroom door's cold doorknob, opening it up to be met with his vast room. His eyes flickered from one wall to the other as he thought of what gift he could buy for Alex, stopping shortly before his large walk in closet.

He opened both sliding doors slowly, enjoying the feeling of acting like royalty. He made his way towards his long line of shoes, studying them closely before choosing a light blue pair that fitted his outfit the most. He walked over to his large body mirror and checked himself out proudly.

He fished into the back pocket of his white jeans for his phone, peeking at the time before putting it back in it's place. He had more than enough time to look for his masquerade outfit, enough to admire himself for just a bit longer. He tossed his mirror self one last wink before turning back around and leaving the closet.

He caught his own gaze on another one of his mirrors on his way out of his bedroom, a large one that stood above his dresser. His eyes trailed down to his covered collarbone as his mouth turned into a soft frown. His hands reached up to the top button, quickly unbuttoning it and looking at himself once more.

He reached down to one of his dresser's knobs and slid open the wooden drawer, searching for the perfect accessory. His dark blue eyes lit up as he took hold of one of his favorite silver necklaces, closing the drawer quickly before bringing the necklace up to his neck and clipping it around himself.

The bluenette grinned at his mirrored self once more, happy with the finishing touches, before snatching up his wallet from the top of the drawer and making his way out his bedroom. He lightly walked on the carpeted floor, fully aware that his parents didn't allow him to wear shoes upstairs in fear of getting the carpet dirty.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, glancing around him to check if anyone was around. If his parents caught sight of him leaving, they'd most likely force him to bring someone along. He had never understood why this was. Yes, he was rich, but no one had ever tried to harm him in any way.

He shook his head in hopes of getting rid of all his unanswered questions, his mind now set on how to successfully get out of the house without getting caught. He turned back up the stairs quietly, entering his bedroom once more. He walked over to the window at the farthest end of the room, which faced the front of the house.

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