Nightmares - Soraxx

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A/N: This oneshot talks about self-consciousness and has Sora angst, all wrapped up in some Soraxx fluff.

Song recommendation for this oneshot is keepyousafe by Yahya and Butterfly's Repose by Zabawa!


The bedroom window was opened slightly, a gentle breeze forcing the warm blue curtains that Sora had picked out for their shared bedroom to brush against the two's skin. It was past midnight and the room was quiet, except for the soft snores that came from Jaxx. Both boys laid asleep, Sora's half of the grey blanket covering only his feet, but cuddled into the red head for his warmth. He moved slightly, quiet whimpers escaping his lips.

Jaxx's eyes opened slowly, taking a few minutes to accommodate to the darkness. He glanced down to be met with Sora's sleeping body, quiet tears flowing down his moonlit cheeks. "Another nightmare, huh?" Jaxx whispered softly, his eyebrows furrowing in worry.

Sora would get frequent nightmares, most having to do with self-consciousness about his body due to hate comments. No one knew what he was going through, no one but Jaxx. He'd found out one night when he was awoken by Sora's whimpers, like almost every other night. If it hadn't been for Sora's sleep talking, the red head wouldn't have realized what the nightmare was about. Of course, once Sora woke up the next morning, Jaxx confronted him about it. They had a long talk about Sora's fears, Jaxx comforting him the whole way through. It had made things better, Sora's nightmares had stopped and he seemed to be back to his normal bouncy self.

But then it got bad again.

Sora would see hate comments from the Squad's so called "fans", inconsiderate people who would share their unnecessary opinions about Sora's body, all the while thinking that the blue boy would never come across their hurtful words.

Jaxx tried his best to help, blocking all the hateful accounts he could find.

But there were too many.

Sora's quiet sobs brought Jaxx back to the present, his eyes focusing on his lover once more. He brought his hand up to Sora's cyan hair, ruffling it softly before moving his messy hair away from his forehead. He wiped the other's mix of sweat and tears away lovingly, giving him a soft kiss on his forehead right after. "You taste salty..." He joked quietly, well aware that Sora wasn't able to hear him.

The red head moved a bit closer to Sora as he began to quietly whisper comforting words into his ear in hopes of making his nightmare come to an end.

Sora stood still. He was in a room, black all around, a large mirror being the only thing in front of him. The hateful words of strangers whispered into his ear repeatedly, all a jumble of words but still understandable. He stared at the mirror in front of him that showcased his body, a single word in black written in the middle.


The room seemed to swirl around him as he sat down on the cold black floor with a thump, tears trailing down his cheeks. The voices grew louder, his head throbbing as he stared down at his tear speckled hands. His heart rate quickened as he began to breathe harder, barely able to contain the violent shakes that enveloped his body. The room seemed to grow even darker, the mirror that was once in front of him being overtaken by the darkness. Now, the single cruel word appeared on his hands. The black ink was replaced by a blood red that oozed out of his tear stained hands, the only focus in the room being the single word.


The room suddenly grew quiet, the voices finally letting Sora rest in his own hushed sobs. "I... I'm sorry..." he let out, his voice cracking. He said nothing else, his eyes staring down at the word that didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon.


"I'm sorry..." He repeated once more, his voice even softer than the first time. He said no more, his head inclined down as he continued to gaze at his blood stained hands. His clear tears kept on silently falling, each one disappearing before having the chance to touch his palm and erase away the word.

"Dawn will come, my love."

His eyes widened slightly as he glanced back up at the black room. He looked behind him, where the voice had come from, to be met with his lover. The dark room faded away slowly, revealing a bathroom. Jaxx stood at the doorway, his gentle eyes locking with Sora's bloodshot ones. "Jaxx?" He whispered, his voice quavering.

The red head walked towards him silently, sitting with his knees pulled up against his chest once in front of Sora. He continued to say nothing as he brought his hand up to Sora's cyan hair, ruffling it softly before moving his messy hair away from his forehead. He dried the other's tears gently, giving him a loving kiss on his forehead right after. Jaxx took hold of Sora's hands, glancing down at the blood stained word before staring back up at him. "I love you." He said simply. Such a short sentence holding so much meaning.

He gently kissed all over Sora's hands repeatedly as Sora looked at him in confusion, his tears finally coming to an end. He let out a soft giggle, Jaxx's quick pecks sending tickles up his arms. He became quiet once more as he glanced down at his hands, the cruel word disappearing a bit more every time Jaxx kissed his palms. He stared star-struck at the red head as he gave Sora his last kiss, the blood stained word that trailed down his hands and arms fully gone now.

"I love you too." the sleeping boy mumbled, receiving a soft smile from Jaxx before he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and fell back asleep.


Hihi! I thought this oneshot was gonna turn out to be over 1k words but it isn't-- Anyway I've been keeping this idea stored in my notes for a bunch of months and I'm so glad I finally got to write it out! I think I really wanted to write this oneshot because of all the hate Sora was receiving when his body was revealed in vlogs. I honestly felt like crying while writing this oneshot, especially when it was time for Sora's nightmare. Idk if it was because I hope that Sora isn't feeling any of this irl, or if I was putting some of my self-consciousness into the part, or if it was just a mix of both, but damnnn-- Yea anywayyy, hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

p.s - I love you <3

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