Red-seeded Dandelions Part 1

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Requested by AshleyRxyalty
Thank you for the request! <333
p.s this oneshot will be cut up in parts


"Guys hurry up, we're gonna miss our flight!" The blond girl yelled up at the roof.

The sound of multiple footsteps could be heard making their way downstairs as the remaining six members appeared.

"I do not understand why we have to leave so early. We still have so much time 'till our flight leaves." The shortest boy argued as he finished the taco in his hand.

"Yea, yea, whatever. Come on now guys let's go." Alex said as she opened the door for her friends to exit.

"We could ask my uncle to take us to the airport!" Light exclaimed happily.

"NO!" Everyone yelled out in unison as they gave the lavender haired boy a shared death glare.

Once all their items were stored in the van's trunk, the squad members got into their seats; Alex and Levi at the front, Luca, Charli, and Light in the middle row, and Sora and Jaxx in the back.

"I'm going to take a nap. No one wake me up." The raven haired boy grumbled as he closed his eyes.

The van stayed silent as they waited for Levi to fall into a deep sleep as to not wake him up and get themselves killed.

"Luca, Luca! Let's play Eye Spy!!" The pumpkin haired girl squealed as she looked over at her best friend.

"Okay!" The other said with a big smile.

The two's talk of the game faded away into the background as Light looked out his window. Was Charli loosing feelings for him again? He thought to himself gloomily as he focused on the view.

"Hey Sora-" Jaxx started before he realized his cyan haired boyfriend's head leaning forward. "And he's asleep..." He finished while he nudged the other's head onto his shoulder.

"Are we almost there?" Charli whined as she squirmed around in her seat.

Levi, now driving the van in Alex's place replied back, "Almost there Charli."

"Hey Light! Wouldn't it be so cool if we went on the ferris wheel together?!" The pumpkin haired girl exclaimed happily at Light as her amber eyes glowed.

"Sure Charli, as long as we don't go into the clown house! Clowns scare me." The shorter boy said back as he let out one of his usual yelps.

"Alright everyone, wake up." Levi said loudly as he parked the van.

"Mmm 5 more minutes..." Sora grumbled sleepily as he snuggled closer to his lover.

"C'mon blue boy, time to wake up." The red head said as he poked Sora's forehead repeatedly.

"Eek! We're finally here!!" The pumpkin haired girl exclaimed giddily as she shook her seat partners by their arms.

"We would have gotten here faster if my uncle drove us." Light said matter of factly as he jumped out of the van.

The rest of the squad ignored his comment as they gathered their belongings and made their way towards the airport's doors.


Hihi! As I said before this oneshot will be cut into parts, I'm not sure how many yet tho lol. Someone please tell me why I wrote that the squad were already at their hotel and only realized they should've been at the airport when I was reading it over-- Not sure what will happen next lol definitely making this up as I go. It was fun to write something that had all of the squad members and not just Charlight and Soraxx! I think I'm gonna enjoy writing this oneshot very much lol. Anyway, as always, hope you enjoyed and stay safe! <333

-Hochi ♡

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