As The Stars Light Up The Sky - Soraxx

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A/N: Valentine's special is here <3

Song recommendation: Lvr Boy - awfultune


"Sora, it's cold up here..." Jaxx groaned as he poked the other's shoulder.

"Well that's too bad." Sora argued back. "We're staying up here all night."

"Hey, it's supposed to be Valentine's day! I planned this date for us because I was thinking of you, at least let me sit closer to you..." Jaxx pouted.

Sora looked away from the dark night sky to glance over at the red head.

"That's all I wanted to hear." He said with a wink as he scooted closer to Jaxx.

"How long are we gonna sit here?" Jaxx asked while taking hold of Sora's hand.

"As long as it takes for the stars to appear."

The two had decided to celebrate Valentine's night by stargazing on the roof of the Squad's house, but the neighborhood lights blocked out the stars.

They'd been sitting up there for hours now, to no avail.

Jaxx had set up the stargazing date because he knew his boyfriend loved anything that had to do with space... he just hadn't expected for there to be no stars.

"And what if they don't appear?" Jaxx asked as he stared back at the darkness in front of him.

"Then we'll have a sleepover here." Sora replied.

"What, we'll see the sunrise instead?" The red head teased, his dimpled grin flashing at Sora.

"Yea, maybe we will."

Sora laid down on the cold roof tiles, taking Jaxx with him. It wasn't the most comfortable place to be, but as long as he had Jaxx it would be okay.

"Ooh ooh!" Sora exclaimed suddenly as he pointed up at the sky. "Is that a star?!"

Jaxx followed where the other pointed, his small amount of hope disappearing when he saw it wasn't.

"Nope, just a plane." He mumbled as he followed the small dot's movement with his eyes.

"Aw man..."

"I'm sorry baby, I thought we'd be able to see stars tonight." Jaxx apologized as he turned to his side to face Sora.

"We can go stargazing somewhere else next time if you want." He suggested.

Sora stared back in silence, his thumb fiddling with the other's hand. "Well... We could go to the field where we had our first date."

"That sounds nice." Jaxx agreed with a smile. "Next week?"

Sora hummed in response, his eyes smiling for him.

They faced each other for a silent moment before Sora let out a soft chuckle.

"Hey, you remember when we tried jumping into the pool from on top of the roof?"

Jaxx thought for a moment before coming across the memory, letting out a chuckled "Yep."

"When we finally got up, you jumped first and made it into the water. I went after but slipped last minute and almost broke my arm."

"I remember Alex scolded us all day because of it." Jaxx said, "You got really lucky for only spraining your arm."

"And then, you told me you'd never go along with my foolish ideas again because I always ended up getting hurt." Sora added on.

The two laughed together as they recalled the memory. "Yet here we are on the roof again..." Jaxx mumbled through stifled giggles.

"Yea, but I know you'll catch me if I fall." Sora replied with a smile.

"That sounds cringy, Sora." Jaxx teased as he shoved the other's arm playfully.

"Shut up!" Sora argued while turning to lay on his back to face the dark sky again.

Valentine's day or not, the two would still have their foolish arguments.

Sora let out a giddy yelp as he pointed up at the sky, "Jaxx, Jaxx, look! There's a star!!"

Jaxx looked away from the shorter to glance up at the sky. "Hm, I guess the stars finally decided to come out."

"Look there's another one!" Sora exclaimed excitedly as he changed where he was pointing.

"And another one." Jaxx added while joining Sora in his pointing game.

"Look, those two are next to each other..." Sora mumbled as he pointed straight above them.

"They're really close." Jaxx replied, his eyes only looking up for a second before locking back on Sora's lit up face.

"Maybe they're boyfriends~" Sora suggested with a wink as he looked back at Jaxx.

"Maybe they're us."

"An alternate universe were we're stars?" Sora joked as he focused back on the stars.

"That would be cute..." Jaxx mumbled, his attention not on the idea of them being stars, but simply on Sora's wide smile that lit up his world more than the stars ever would.


Hihi! Happy Valentine's day!!! I apologize for this oneshot being a bit shorter than the others, especially since it's supposed to be a special... I had so much trouble writing this! At first I had an idea for them to make everything a date for Valentine's day, but it had a lot of time skips and I wasn't really feeling it. (I haven't deleted it, someone tell me if you want me to publish it) Anyways I ditched that idea, and went over to this one but I wasn't feeling the short paragraphs I'd written either. Took a long break and went back to it some hours later, but I deleted it so I could start fresh. This oneshot may be a bit short and not that Valentine's vibey, but I still find it cute nonetheless! Anyway, how are you guys doing? Will you let me be your Valentine? Doesn't matter if you already have one or not! I'm sending all my love over to you!! Anyway anywayyy, hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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