Scary Movie - Charlight

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*this oneshot will be divided into two parts, Charlight and Soraxx's POV. This is mainly inspired by the story the squad told where they saw a horror movie and decided to stay on their discord call because they were really scared, sort of a different plot though ✨


Knock Knock Knock

A soft melody of knocks aroused from Charli's bedroom door, waking her up from her slumber. At first she was glad, until she realized that it could be La Llorona.

The ginger haired girl stayed still for a few minutes, maybe she was safe staying from harm in the dark?

Knock Knock Knock

There went the knocking again. Well, if it was La Llorona, Charli thought to herself, then she wouldn't have knocked. She would've just gladly entered the bedroom to spring on her next victim.

The young girl slowly got up from her bed, gathering her courage as she walked quietly over to the door. She opened it, just a tad bit, too see... Light!

The lavender haired boy stood in front of her door, a nervous look on his face. The shorter girl opened the door fully, the fear now gone.

"Hey Light! Is something wrong?" She asked curiously. It wasn't like Light to visit her so late at night, or anytime in general-

Light looked around quietly, as if searching for something that wasn't there.

"Charli! La Llorona wants to get me!!! Can I sleep with you tonight? I haven't been able to sleep at all after watching that horror movie with the squad..." He said quietly, his voice cracking like most of the times.

A light blush appeared on his cheeks, more of embarrassment and fear than anything else.

"Oh, of course Light! It's been tough to sleep for me as well. I don't think watching that movie so late at night was such a good idea..." The girl said as she giggled softly.

She made way for Light as she led him into her bedroom, making sure to close the door behind them, just in case.

"So... Um I don't have an inflatable mattress, or a couch, or anything really-" Charli said awkwardly, realizing how this idea of theirs might not work out.

"It is alright, I can sleep on the floor if you want. Your company is more than enough." Light said quietly, adding his soft smile at the end of his words.

"No, no, that's horrible! You're my guest, you can't sleep on the hard floor!" She replied quickly, worry in her eyes.

"Oh hell naw," Light started. His cliche line ready to be used. "I am not going to sleep on your bed." The lavender boy said as he tried to keep a stern face, his sudden fidgeting giving him away.

"Don't get me wrong Light, I'd never miss the chance to fall asleep next to you! But I'm truly being honest here. It would be too disrespectful of me to let you sleep on the floor. Plus, I don't bite!~" The ginger haired girl said, a cute wink adorning her last sentence.

"Mmmm, fine. But just for tonight." Light said grudgingly, his cheeks turning a bright red. Oh how he hoped the darkness was enough to cover his blushing up.

"Alright then, c'mon!" Charli said happily, as she started making room for Light on her bed. The boy stayed back for a while, still not sure about this.

He watched as Charli got comfortable on the bed, waiting for him to lay down next to her.

"Don't worry Light." she said softly, her words seeming to know what he was feeling. "All we're gonna do is sleep anyway!"

He walked over to her slowly, quietly, comforted by her words, but not quite enough.

Once he had gotten under the covers he looked at the girl's amber eyes, sparkles adorning them. Of course she was happy, this was a dream come true for her.

"Goodnight Light." She said softly as she stifled a yawn. Letting her head move a little lower as she awaited for sleep to take her.

The ginger haired girl felt a small warmth on her finger. Looking up to see the other's index finger gently wrapped around hers.

Light looked down quickly, this was a big step for him. "Goodnight Charli." He said just as softly as she had, letting his amethyst eyes take a small peek at the orange girl's smile before closing them for the night.


Hihi! Sorry I took a while to upload a oneshot, been quite busy with school. I tried to incorporate Light's way of speaking in this chapter (and future chapters) since he normally says "it is" instead of "it's" (words like that-) Soraxx part will hopefully be uploaded sometime tomorrow, and maybe multiple uploads if I feel like it. Thanks for reading, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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