Mistakes - Charlight

494 5 26

Requested by WingsOfWarriorsMagic

A/N: This oneshot contains angst and mild cursing

Listen to Light Of My Life by Dafna while reading this oneshot!


"Come on Light," Charli pouted as she chased Light around the kitchen, "just one kiss is enough!"

"N-No Charli. I have already told you. Now please get out of the kitchen, I do not want to accidentally hurt you while I'm cooking." Light stammered in reply as he dodged another one of Charli's attempts at kissing him.

"Awww, but just one kiss! Then I'll leave you alone Light, I promise!!" She continued to plead, at the same time cornering the other.

"No! Enough is enough Charli." Light exclaimed sternly as he pushed Charli away, not hard enough to hurt her, but enough to startle her.

The ginger's eyes widened as she stared in silence at the shorter.

Maybe she had gone overboard after all.

"I... I'm sorry." She choked out, doing her best to hold back her tears.

The two looked down at the floor in silence, "I am sorry for being so harsh Charli, but sometimes-" Light began, only to stop mid-sentence when he looked up to see that Charli was no longer standing in front of him.

He turned back to face the sink, his voice shaking as he questioned, "I really fucked it up this time, didn't I Alex?"

The blonde walked into the kitchen, somehow Light had sensed that his sister had witnessed the scene.

She stepped over to him, staring at him in silence before forcing him to face her.

"Oh Light..." Alex whispered.

She wiped away her brother's tears with her white sleeve, all the while thinking of what to tell him.

"What should I do? I always end up hurting her. Maybe I should just let her go for good... She would be better off with someone else," Light muttered as he looked at the blonde, "someone like-"


Alex pulled him in for a hug, rubbing circles in his back like she had always done whenever Light cried.

"I know you love her. You're both at fault here. If you want this to work, you need to make each other's boundaries clear." She explained as she continued to comfort the other.

"H-How can I do that?" Light asked through muffled sobs.

"Go and talk to her, apologize for all the times you've hurt her." Alex began, "Then, talk to her about your boundaries, but also ask for hers. Remember that you need to show her affection as well, you can't expect her to continue fighting for you if you never show her how much you love her."

"You think she will listen to me?"

"I know Charli well, she'll try not to. So please Light, show her that you care. She'll open back up soon enough, give her time." She whispered, rubbing one last circle into Light's back and wiping away his stray tears before letting him go from her comforting embrace.

"You can do this brother, don't be afraid." Alex said before walking away from the kitchen and back into her room.

Light stood in silence, not sure what to do now.

He wiped away any last tears, then got set on cleaning up what was supposed to be his dinner. He didn't feel that hungry anymore.

Light made his way out of the kitchen once finished, walked upstairs in silence, and came upon the ginger's door.

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