The end :)

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Hello friends,

It's been a while, hasn't it?

I think we all know what this letter holds, don't we? It's not good news, but it's not terrible news either.

Lately, (and when I mean lately I mean since October), I've been struggling to write a lot. Now at first, I just thought that I had run out of motivation. Especially after writing Masquerade, I believed that I had just gone through a burnout because of the length of the oneshot.

But I think we all realized just how long it was taking for me to publish new oneshots. Maybe it was so clear that you guys all realized it before I did.

I always read through the goodbye letters of other Inquisitormaster writers while thinking that it could never be me. After all, I was so deeply in love and attached to the community. I never thought that I would end up going down the same path as everyone else. But not watching their videos for one day turned into not watching them for a week, which eventually turned into not watching them for months.

I hate to say it because up till now, I haven't admitted it to myself. I have fallen out of the fandom after all. Writing for the community no longer brings me joy. If anything, all I feel is stress and finally, relief when I'm done writing. Restricting myself to a fandom was not the best decision in the end, because now I don't feel like writing in general.

I'm not only leaving the fandom because I got tired of the Squad, but also because I am simply not happy with how my writing is at the moment. I believe that despite having been writing for the community for over a year, all that my writing has done is downgrade. When I look back at how I first wrote in this book, I deeply miss it. Maybe it was because I was much more into the fandom at that time, or because I wrote for myself and not for others, but there was a change.

I think setting an upload schedule for myself and focusing so much on the different amount of views I got depending on what and how much I wrote also had an effect on me. But if I could go back and change things, I don't think I would.

I am truly grateful for this year and a half(ish) that I got to experience because of you all. I have made many great friends on this journey that I hope to continue being close with over the coming years. I got to share my writing with the fandom and feel like for once, I was a part of the community. I appreciate every single one of you, from my own cousin, to the ones that have never commented.

Although I am leaving the fandom, it does not mean that I am leaving Wattpad. I plan to get into reading once more and work on my writing so that I can be satisfied with myself again. Maybe one day, when I am ready, I will return with something new.

In all truth, I was planning to write a Charlight book. I had the plot written out and a few thousand words at hand, but now I am unsure of what exactly I will be doing with it. For now, it will remain untouched in my drafts. But maybe someday, I will pick it back up again. We'll see.

Now that I have explained majority of the thoughts that have been running through my head these past months, I would like to thank all sixty one of you!

-Continuar: Of course, you're first on my list. Thank you for being my first follower, and for sticking around till the end. I seriously can't thank you enough for being the one that inspired me to start writing. I know that you think that that silly Levi story wasn't all that good, but I don't think you understand just how much of an effect it had on me. Thank you for always voting and commenting on my oneshots, normally in all caps, despite never having been in the fandom. Thank you for listening to my rants about Soraxx and Charlight over the years. And most importantly, thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for. Thank you for listening to my thoughts about all this and not only supporting my decision, but also giving me ideas on how to improve my writing. Although I will no longer be writing for the Inquisitormaster fandom, I want you to know that I will always be here to edit your long ass chapters (even if it's against my will.)

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