R-sD Part 4

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"WAKE UP JAXXXXXX!!!" The red head's dreams were suddenly interrupted by Sora.

"Mmm... what do you wantttt?..." Jaxx mumbled as he turned away from the other.

"Wake up! We're here~" Sora half sung as he poked Jaxx repeatedly.

"Fine." The taller said with a grumble as he pushed his boyfriend's hands away.

He got up slowly as he followed Sora out into the airplane's corridor.

"Morning Jaxx." Levi said with a grin as he met up with the couple.

"You slept through the whole flight!" Alex said with a giggle. "I'm guessing it was a good nap!"

"Haha very funny..." The red head said, his voice still husky from his nap.

The Squad grabbed their belongings and then slowly made their way out of the plane.


"That was exhausting." Luca said with a sigh as they exited the airport, their suitcases back in hand.

"I can't wait to get to our hotel!!" Charli exclaimed giddily, positive as always.

"I wonder if they have tacos there..." Light muttered deep in thought.

"Is everything you think about food?" The blonde haired girl asked.

"No, I would also like an iced coffee!" The shorter boy replied back with a freckled smile.


"Eek! I'm so excited!!" The pumpkin haired girl said loudly as she ran down the hotel's hallway.

"So how is this gonna work?" Levi asked Alex as they followed after Charli.

"Well we got three rooms, one with a queen sized bed." She said as she studied the wall patterns. "Of course, that one will be for Sora and Jaxx since they're the only official couple." She finished, putting emphasis on the "official."

"Official?" Levi asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"Yea. I mean, Charli and Light have been acting different lately... But they're not an official couple yet?" She half asked slowly.

"Oh, yea you're right." The raven haired boy stated as he glanced at Light and Charli with a small grin.

"So what about the others?" He continued.

"Light, Charli, and Luca will share a room, and we'll share a room too." Alex said as she looked at her best friend.

"You're gonna put them all together?" Levi glanced back at her with a disapproving look.

"Weren't you just saying that there's something going on between Charli and Light? You know my brother has some feelings for Charli. He would be a total third wheel." He growled under his breath, careful not to catch the other's attention.

"Yea... But they're best friends too. Charli obviously wants to spend her time with Luca as well. She'd be heartbroken if she doesn't get to share a room with him." Alex stated.

"Then why not put Light with someone else?" Levi asked.

"Because Charli and Light like each otherrrr!" The blonde haired girl exclaimed as she dragged her words out as if the answer were obvious.

"Whatever." The taller boy grumbled.


"Oh yeaaaa, queen sized bed for us~" Sora exclaimed happily as he danced around the room.

"Its just a bed babe." His boyfriend chuckled as he continued scrolling through the TV's channels.

"Yea, but it's a queen sized bed!" The shorter said as he twirled around the room.

"If it wasn't for me, you would be sleeping in a twin sized bed." Jaxx said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." The other said as he stuck out his tongue playfully.


"This room is so pretty!" Charli said with a big smile as she studied their hotel room.

"It's really spacious too." The white haired boy muttered as he flipped through a book.

"Their coffee is not iced though." Light grumbled as he flopped onto his bed.


"What time should we go to the park?" Alex asked Levi as she scrolled through her phone.

"Maybe in an hour, let's let everyone settle in first." The other muttered from the other side of the room as he put away his suitcase.

"Okay!" Alex exclaimed happily as she turned her attention back to her phone."


Hihi! Long time no see huh? Sorry, been quite busy lately and also had no motivation. Next part will also probably be the finale! Not my best chapter to be honest, but like Light likes to say, "it is what it is." All jokes aside, I'll try to post more often. Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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