Burnt Muffins and Afternoon Kisses - Charlight

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Requested by Soraxx4Charlight


"Okay Light, so now that the soon to be muffins are on the tray, all we have left to do is put it in the oven and wait!" The ginger haired girl said happily.

Everything was going great, Charli and Light were baking muffins together, the kitchen was smelling great, and they were having so much fun!

She watched as Light carried the tray over to the oven, carefully placing it inside, and letting Charli do the rest.

She had been giving him cooking lessons since the squad had mentioned that Light didn't know how to cook. It had helped them grow even closer, butterflies were flying, and eyes were glancing.

The shorter girl made her way back to the counter and pushed herself upwards, settling down on it. She dangled her legs, moving them back and forth, waiting patiently for the long awaited *ding* of the oven.

She heard as the other moved, but didn't pay much attention to it. Charli glanced down quickly as she saw Light standing in front of her.

The lavender haired boys' hand slowly moved upwards, softly intertwining his fingers with one of Charli's curls.

The young girl could feel as her heart rate quickened. Was it finally happening? Was Light finally going to give her the even more long awaited kiss she'd always dreamed of?

She continued to look at Light, not making a sound, the other not daring to look up at her. He continued to play with her hair, as if it was some valuable treasure that he'd suddenly discovered.

He finally let go of the curl, forcing himself to look up at Charli. They locked eyes, their breathing slowing down, his hand suspended in mid air.

He slowly moved his hand up, reaching for her cheek. He had to reach on his tippy toes, the ginger being too tall for him in the position they were in.

They closed their eyes, their individual heart beats turning into one, their surroundings dissolving away as they shared the magical moment.

They pulled away, longing for air, but for each other as well. The lavender haired boy grasped Charli's hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

Their eyes remained locked on each other, his cheeks as red as ever, his soft smile emerging.

"I did not know I needed that so badly until now..." He said softly as he let out an even softer chuckle.

The orange girl giggled in reply, the butterflies in her stomach flying higher than ever before.

She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it back again as she darted her eyes back to the oven. It had been longer than needed, why hadn't it dinged yet?

She hopped of off the counter, still holding on to Light's hand as she made her way over to the oven. They looked at it together, puzzled. Charli opened the oven door slowly as a cloud of smoke drifted out.

"Oh, great we burned the muffins!" She whined loudly as she realized her mistake.

"Looks like the teacher is not qualified to teach then." The lavender haired boy said playfully as his amethyst eyes filled with mischievous.

"Hmph, at least I made it past the egg cracking!" She said equally as playfully, sticking her tongue out.

The sound of their laughter filled the room, accompanied with the smell of the burnt muffins.


Hihi! Sorry for not uploading anything for a while, I had literally no ideas. Luckily, a fellow reader came to the rescue, once again thanks to Soraxx4Charlight for the request! I enjoyed writing something that didn't come directly from my own ideas (although I did have a baking lesson for Charlight in mind lol.) Writing the kissing scene was hard tbh, I didn't know how to not make it sound cringy but at the same time write out a good scene so um-- improvised? Anyways hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

-Hochi ♡

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