Christmas Party

772 17 33

Requested by AshleyRxyalty


Christmas was right around the corner, and Sora and Jaxx had a big plan in mind.

Usually, Alex was the one to set up the Squad's yearly Christmas parties, but she had been so caught up in video ideas lately that she had completely forgotten. Thus the two boys had come up with the great idea to set up this year's Christmas party instead.

They were currently in Alex's dining room, sorting Christmas presents and putting them in their own piles.

Alex and Levi had gone to a nearby coffee shop in hopes of coming up with something to record, giving Sora and Jaxx the chance to start preparing for the party.

Although they could have asked the others for help, the couple felt it was better to host the party by themselves, allowing them to have the alone time that they rarely had nowadays.

Jaxx had told Charli to go to the park with Light and Luca, persuading her by stating that he had seen lots of cute squirrels last time he had been.

Now, as Sora and Jaxx had finally finished grouping the gifts for each individual Squad member, they chatted about what the next step should be.

"I think we should have hot chocolate," the cyan haired boy said after a moment of silence.

The taller took a glance at the clock before answering, "We should do that later, we don't want it to get late and not finish setting up the party."

"But hot chocolate..." Sora muttered back with a pout on his face.

"Later," Jaxx responded as he tapped his boyfriend's nose gently.

"Fine, what should we do next then?" He said as he gave in, the thought of hot chocolate stored away in the back of his mind for the time being.

"Well we've already prepared the food and wrapped the presents, so we should probably start decorating the house." The red head stated while he looked around him, the only real decoration in the house being the Christmas tree.

"Mkay, where'd you leave the decorations?" Sora asked as he stood up from his chair.

"Under the bed," Jaxx muttered through a yawn as he stretched his sore limbs.

"Got it!" The shorter yelled, already halfway up the stairs.

While waiting for the other, Jaxx went to the kitchen and dried the dishes that had been left after the couple's lunch.

Sora's footsteps could be heard as he hopped down the stairs, the decoration filled box now in hand.

"Are we gonna decorate the whole house?" He asked once he was back in the dining room.

"Mmm..." Jaxx thought for a moment, "What if we just decorate the rooms that we'll mostly be in?"

"Sounds good!" Sora responded as he began to take out the decorations while the other dried his somewhat damp hands.

"You can decorate closer to the floor and I'll decorate where you can't reach," Jaxx said jokingly as he gave his lover a quick peck on the lips.

"Haha, very funny..." The shorter grumbled with a dramatic eye roll as he continued to pick out Christmas decorations.

"I love you," The red head said, hoping that Sora wasn't mad at him for his silly joke.

"Love you too," Sora replied, returning the kiss so as not to make the other doubt himself.

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