First Date - Soraxx

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Requested by charlex4life

(Just so that no one gets confused; Sora and Jaxx are recreating their first date, not going on their first date)


"Jaxx we should go on a date!" Sora announced as he scavenged through Alex's kitchen pantry.

"A date?" The red head asked as he stared up at the ceiling from his place on the couch. "Right now?"

"Yea," Sora began to explain. "Let's recreate our first date!"

"Our first date... That was something alright." The other murmured as he laughed quietly.

"We could go to the same flower field, have a picnic, take a nap, throw dumb insults at each other like we did before..." Sora's words drifted off as he began to imagine their date.

"Sure." Jaxx said with a goofy smile as he admired his sunshine of a boyfriend.

The taller got up from the couch and made his way to the cyan boy, wrapping him up in a big bear hug as he pressed his forehead to the other and told him to get ready for their date.


The morning sun's rays hit the two boys, their shadows as different as could be in height, yet connected as one as they held hands.

Jaxx took a peek back at the car, locking it once more just to be sure.

"So, what's first on the list?" Sora asked as he hopped on the stepping stones that led to the field, the red head following behind him.

"Picnic." The other muttered, his attention on a pebble that had caught his gaze.

Jaxx walked towards the small rock, barely visible under some leaves. The cyan haired boy stopped in his track once he noticed his lover lagging behind.

"Hey Sora, look at this." The red head called out, his sparkling eyes on the pebble.

"What is it?" Sora asked as he strolled to where Jaxx was kneeling.

He picked up the pebble and stood back up, examining it closer before he passed it over to Sora with a wide grin on his face.

"Look, it's blue and red!" Jaxx exclaimed giddily as he watched his boyfriend look at the rock.

"That's cute." The shorter said with a soft smile as he carefully stored the pebble in his pocket for later.

"Now let's go, or else our food will get cold!" Sora half scolded as he took hold of Jaxx's hand, as well as the picnic basket, and led him to the flower field.


"What if our pancakes are cold now?" Sora whined as he watched Jaxx take out their food from the basket.

"It's alright, I'll make more at home if you want." Jaxx replied with a smile.

The other's mood altered at the mention of more pancakes, his happy-go-lucky version of himself back in place.

"That works." He said with a light chuckle as he helped his red headed lover take out and arrange whatever was left inside the picnic basket.

The smell of pancakes with blueberries and syrup adorning them drifted out.

"That smells so gooooood!" Sora exclaimed as he grabbed the pancake with his bare hands, stuffing it into his mouth.

"Sora, I brought utensils for a reason..." Jaxx grumbled disgustedly as he watched him.

Sora said something back in reply, not very understandable as his mouth was still filled with food, yet still got the point across with a dramatic cross of his arms.

"I feel like I'm dating a little kid sometimes." Jaxx joked as he pulled away Sora's hands from his body, careful not to dirty his cyan clothes up, and wiped them clean with a nearby napkin.

"I don't act like a kid!" The shorter shot back as he stuck out his tongue.

"Mhm, sure." Jaxx said with a grin. "I guess you can check off the 'throw dumb insults at each other' part off now."

"Those were really dumb insults..." Sora grumbled as he ruffled his hair.

"Now eat your pancakes correctly." The red head hissed, provoking another silly fight.


"I'm stuffed." Sora muttered as he finished putting away his unused utensils.

"Maybe now's the perfect time to take that nap then." Jaxx suggested as he peeked at his lover while playing with a red-seeded dandelion, his head reclined on his other hand as he laid down on his side.

"Are you gonna take a nap too?" Sora asked with a yawn as he laid down next to the other, their eyes locked together.

"Nah, I'd rather watch you sleep." The red head said with a gentle smile.

"That sounds creepy, but I'll take it." Sora replied as he scooted closer to Jaxx, allowing him to ruffle his hair softly.

"Sweet dreams blue boy." Jaxx half whispered lovingly as he tapped his cyan haired lover on his nose with the softness of the red-seeded dandelion.


Hihi! I'm back-ish. Not sure if I'll be posting regularly, but I missed writing and didn't wanna make this oneshot request wait any longer. I really liked writing this story and felt it gave off the same vibes as "Stargazing"! Just two gay boys enjoying each other's company while they go on a date. While revising it, I realized that it didn't really give Soraxx vibes tho-- maybe it just needed more spice lol. Hope you're all doing okay, remember to eat something and drink some water today! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

-Hochi ♡

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