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The Stab-Athon was in full swing by the time the sun descended and the moon came to rise, though a killer was loose in Woodsboro local teens didn't care as they gathered to celebrate the life and death of all those involved in the wicked ways of Ghostface. One attendee got a lot of attention from the girls when he rocked up which was Richard, he walked into the crowd of people and was instantly asked all these questions but watching from the sidelines were Tegan and Isla who were still mourning the death of their friend.

"I'm heading outside for a moment, okay?" Tegan said to Isla who nodded and watched her walk her way through the crowd. She brushed past Richard who watched her with an unknown look in his eye as she went out into the darkness and off towards where the cars were parked. Tegan stumbled into the darkness of the night, her eyes were blurred as she tried to hold herself up in that moment her phone rang and she lifted and focused her eyes on the name.

Her eyes widened she read that it was Demi calling her, while it rang she looked around. People were still entering the Stab-Athon and more then a dozen people were dressed up as Ghostface. She answered it and brushed her hair to the side and lifted it to her ear.

"Hello?" She slurred.

"Hello, Tegan. Why'd you leave the party?" The killer's voice asked and she turned back to the party and looked around. With her eyes focused on the doorway she continued to back up towards the cars. "Where are you going?" He asked with a deep chuckle that made her tense up as fear rocked across her body.

"What- what do you want from me?" She asked as a tear rolled down her cheek. "How did you get her phone?"

"Demi's phone?" He asked and giggled. "I took it from her after I gutted her like a fish".

Tegan let out a cry and lowered the phone and hung up and ran towards the cars. Behind her at the party nobody noticed she was missing, and Isla had got caught up with having another drink that she didn't notice her friend running to the cars from where she stood near the open doorway. Tegan dived to the side and laid against a white Toyota sedan and that's when he phone rang again. She answered with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Hello?" She asked in a whisper.

"Boo, I see you" she lowered the phone and looked up and saw the white Ghostface mask looking down from the roof of the car. Her eyes widened and she went to scream but the hunting knife was stabbed downwards as her where it went through her neck and out into the side of the car pinning her. "Gotcha".

It was over quickly for Tegan as her eyes then slowly drifted shut and her life was taken from her. The knife was removed and the Ghostface looked on at the party and then stepped out from the cars and joined in with another crowd of Ghostface costume wearers and entered the party and vanished into the sea of people as the first Stab was put into the DVD player, they cheered loudly and that's when the lights went down casting the room into darkness as the movie played retelling the history of Woodsboro and the menacing story of Billy Loomis and Sidney Prescott.

Sidney was advised not to leave just yet but she did. She threw herself out of the bed and stormed back to her hotel room where Laura and herself now sat with the doors and windows locked. They spoke softly and Laura looked up at Sidney when she asked a question that made her shiver.

"Know anybody who could want you dead?"

"What kind of question is that?" Replied Laura as she gave Sidney a stern look. "Who would want to do that?"

Sidney cocked a smirk. "My own boyfriend tried to kill me as did my brother and cousin. Now, is there anybody out there who would want you dead?"


"We must be missing something, somethings not right".

"How did you figure all this out before?" Laura asked as she looked at Sidney, Sidney looked down at her lap for a moment. "I don't know what I'm doing".

Sidney stood up and walked around the hotel room, the TV behind her was on mute but playing the local news. "I didn't figure it out. I was too late, when Billy and Stu done this I wasn't aware until he shot Randy, I couldn't get out". Laura looked past Sidney and up to the TV. She frowned and then stood up and Sidney followed her gaze as she looked at the TV also. "The Stab-Athon, of course" she whispered more to herself.

"I think I know how we can do this" she said to Sidney who gave her a concerned look. "We go there and we can draw him out, make him come to us".

"There's a chance he's already there, Laura. He's probably waiting for you to be there".

On the TV the news reporter was standing at the farm where the event was being held, Sidney unmuted it and watched closely.

"I'm standing here tonight at the annual Stab-Athon here in Woodsboro tonight where despite protests from terrified locals the event has gone underway", he gestured to the barn behind. "As you can see here behind me the event is well underway with the first Stab already nearing its end, many are dressed as the Ghostface killer".

"The Stab-Athon" Laura commented. "Then that's where we are going".

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