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Laura Thornhill is a 17-year-old. Living in the newer area of Woodsboro with two uptight parents who insist on living the higher life compared to the rest of the town can make you seem selfish and uptight, which is what everyone believes her to be. She uncurled from her sheets and stretched and climbed from the double bed. Her toes curled and the uncurled as she moved across the room, she rubbed the back of her neck as she walked into her bathroom and went to the mirror.

She sighed into the mirror.

Physically, Laura is skinny and strong, but otherwise in good shape. She is average height with olive skin, brown hair and blue eyes. Her hair was tangled, she reached up and ruffled it before undressing and stepping into the shower and turning the water on. She held her hands up and tried blocking the stream as the water rushed across her exposed body.

She got a handful of shampoo and rubbed it into her hair. Her hair softened as she washed herself. After rinsing her hair, she got some soap and cleaned her body, starting with her legs and then up to her chest then her neck before she rinsed it off under the hot water.

Laura goes to Woodsboro High, where her favourite subjects are home economics, chemistry and food science. She loves her teacher Mrs Murphy but hates Ms Brennan whose interests include looking like a tomato. They never clicked; Ms Brennan always had a thing against her. After she finished getting dressed, Laura received a text from her friend who was on her way to pick her up for school.

Laura's best friend is a teenager called Wade Conway. They are inseparable. She also hangs around with Tony Kemp and Richmond Fuller.

Laura went downstairs where her mother was waiting in the kitchen.

"Make sure you watch what you're eating" her mother said.

Laura's eyes rolled. "Yes, mother".

"I'm serious. You have the dance coming up, make sure you know what you're putting into your body", she sounded more serious than ever. "I'm leaving for work. I'll see you after you get home from school".

Laura smiled at the sound of the front door closing as her mother hurried out.


Laura looked down at her pocket as her phone began ringing.

She pulled it out of her pocket and frowned, it was an unknown caller. She answered it.


"Hello, Laura".

Laura frowned. "Who is this?"

The man replied in a deep voice. "Were you expecting somebody?"

Laura walked out of the kitchen and into her living room and sat down on the lounge. She crossed her legs over and leant back into the kitchen.


He chuckled. "I have a question for you, Laura".

"Fire away" she responded, looking over at the large window that overlooked the driveway.

"What's your favourite scary movie?"

She scuffed. "That's original".

"I'll ask you again. What's your favourite-".

Laura ended the call as she saw Wade's car pull into the driveway. She grabbed her bag and hurried out the front, making sure to lock the door behind her. She went down the pathway and went around the side and climbed into his car.

"Thank god you are here. My mother has managed to rile me up already" Laura said as she pulled her seatbelt down and clicked it in.

"Another comment about your weight?" Wade asked as he reversed out of the driveway. She sighed and nodded while looking around, they drove down the street. Wade exhaled. "I don't know how you deal with that, Laura".

"Honestly, nor do I" Laura countered. "I'm sick of hearing about how I need to watch what I eat, and I need to be careful because I have the dance coming up. She's very dramatic".

"Didn't she do this to your sister when she was your age?"

"Yep. But unfortunately, she didn't cope with it as well as I did" she replied as they turned the corner. "Are we getting Tony?" she changed the topic.

Wade nodded. "He's waiting for us right now".

Wade Conway is 18 years old who enjoys tennis, escapology and watching movies. He is considerate and caring but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy. Somewhere along the way of school, Laura and Wade connected and became close.

Physically, Wade is in great shape. He is short with fair skin, light brown hair and green eyes.

He is currently in a relationship with Clancy Joan Amos. Clancy is 5 years older than him and works as a journalist for the local newspaper.

Wade's best friend is Laura. But he also hangs with a boy named Toby White, but for some reason the other students at school call him Prosper Love. Some think it's because of his love life that is constantly spoken about around the school. They enjoy watching movies together.

They pulled up outside Tony's house and Wade honked the horn. The front door opened, and Tony stepped out into the sunlight.

Tony Kemp is a 17-year-old teenager who enjoys social card games, meditation and working on cars. He is gentle and reliable but can also be very cowardly and a bit grumpy. He lives in a working-class neighbourhood. After his father died when he was young, he was raised by his mother.

Tony is in good shape. He is very tall with olive skin, red hair and blue eyes. He has a nasal kink.

He opened the back door and climbed in, they turned and faced him.

"Good morning!"

"It's hardly good", replied Tony. "I got a stupid 'what's your favourite scary movie?' call and it's just annoyed me".

Laura frowned. "So did I!"

Wade smiled. "I feel special because I was left alone!"

"I swear I've heard that before" Laura said.

Her phone suddenly rang again. She frowned and answered.

"Let me guess, what's your favourite scary movie?"

"Good question. But this is my game, Laura. Welcome to the first stage".

Laura pulled the phone away from her ear and put it on speaker.

"Who is this?"

The man didn't reply. Tony looked at the phone and then at Laura and frowned.

When the phone went dead, she just sighed and put it away.

"So original. That's from Stab!"

Tony's phone dinged and he lifted it.

"Oh my god!" he said loudly. Wade glanced back in the rear-view mirror and Laura turned in her seat. "Kasey Millard and Vienna Walker were murdered last night!"


"Stabbed to death" Tony said quietly.

"That is so surreal. Are you sure?"

Tony nodded softly. He handed the phone to Laura.

She began reading.

"Last year was particularly low for murder, but even compared with the last five years, 2020 has seen a serious increase" Laura started. "Two teenagers in the town of Woodsboro have been found brutally murdered. Nearing the anniversary of the Woodsboro Massacres back in 1996 and then again in 2010, these killings match a similar style to the original Ghostface killers, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. Sheriff Dewey Riley of Woodsboro isn't available for comment, but our sources tell us that this may be the beginning to another reboot style massacre in Woodsboro. Sidney Prescott, now 41, is unavailable for comment but she is believed to be set to return to Woodsboro for a tour to promote her new campaign of removing violence from the cinema to stop things like this from happening again".

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