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Laura's phone vibrated from beneath the white pillow on her bed as she slept. She frowned and then opened her eyes slowly to only darkness. The room was dark, the silence was near deafening as the wind outside gently howled against the glass. She looked at her phone and struggled to read the name of the caller due to the bright screen that was on maximum. She picked up the phone and answered it with a yawn.


Laura rubbed her eyes and looked down at the floor where Wade and Tony were curled up under some blankets.

"Hello, Laura".

She sat up and pulled her blankets up to her chest. "Who are you?"

He chuckled. "Who do you think I am?"


"Don't make me laugh, Laura!"

She looked around the room. "Why are you doing this?"

"To prove a point. Look around you, Laura. I could be in the room already. What if I'm hiding in the closet?" Laura glanced to the closet, but she knew nobody would be able to fit inside. "Or maybe under the bed".

Laura glanced down and then scooted away from the edge of the bed and placed herself against the wall under the window.

"Your sister was weak too, you know" he snarled.

Laura growled. "Don't you dare talk about her!"

"Or what? The ball is in my court" he said.

"What do you want from me?"

He laughed. "I want you to play my game. I want to know what your favourite scary movie is, if you answer truthfully and without hesitation then I won't kill again".

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2!" She responded quickly.

"Nobody likes that movie, Laura. Why don't you answer truthfully?"

"Why don't you tell me who you are?"

"Why don't you try and find out. You know it can't be little Richey. Poor thing got fingered for killing the girl he loves" Ghostface cackled. "Sounds like poor Billy boyfriend with Sidney. Now that was a love story destined to burn bright then crash".

"You know I'm going to call the police after this and get him out!"

"I'm counting on it, Laura".

She looked around and then turned and looked out her window. The streetlight reflection piercing the metal of the hunting knife on the sidewalk caused her to gasp and slid away from the window. Standing on the concrete looking up at her was Ghostface, the white mask pierced her mind as she ducked and hid away.

"Ah, there you are".

She sobbed into the phone quietly. "Leave me alone!"

The phone went silent and she slowly looked back out into the darkness. He was no longer where he was. She then heard the sound of a door shutting on the other end of the phone.

"You didn't lock the door, Laura".

Suddenly the alarm system began blasting across the house. She jumped and dropped the phone as Wade and Tony scrambled awake. She got up and ran out of the room and down the hallway. Her mother's bedroom door opened, and she stepped out and followed after her daughter. Laura hurried down the stairs and into the lower section of the house. The front door was wide open, the alarm was still blasting. Her mother ran over and entered the code to shut it down.

"What happened!?" Her mother asked loudly as she turned the lights on.

"The killer called me! He was outside!" Laura sobbed. "I think he's inside!"

Her mother began to freak. She called out and got Wade and Tony to come downstairs. As they went past Laura she stopped. "I need to get my phone. I'll be right back".

She ignored their protests. She hurried back upstairs and went into her room and grabbed her phone. As she stepped into the hallway, she heard the flooring creak behind her. She tensed and then hurried off without looking back. She went down the stairs and out the front as red and blue flashing lights approached from the distance.

Her phone buzzed again. She answered.


Her mother, Wade and Tony all turned and looked at her with a serious expression.

"Not a good idea leaving the house that rapidly. Maybe I'm not inside. Maybe I'm right", she suddenly spun around and looked around as the streetlights went out, swallowing them all into darkness. Wade and Tony moved closer together. "Here".

She spun around and continued to look around in a panic, he then chuckled deeply.


The police cars arrived. She continued to scream into the phone, but it went dead.

Climbing from the cruiser was Deputy Hicks who hurried towards them. The spotlights on the other cruisers activated then were turned onto the house. Deputy Hicks hurried the four of them to her car and put them inside and then pulled out her pistol and ran towards the house. Laura watched from the passenger's seat. She turned her head over some more and there in the distance watching her from the treeline was Ghostface. In the blink of an eye he was gone into the darkness. She closed her eyes and slid down in her seat slowly.

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