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The blue Toyota sedan stopped at the traffic lights. Sidney sat in the passenger seat looking around. Ten years is a long time and Woodsboro has changed a lot. Buildings were more modern; the streetlights were new. The road was redone, smoother from what she remembered. The car moved on.

Coming up on her right was Woodsboro High School. It was the exact same from what she remembered. It hadn't changed, the paint work hadn't aged, everything was perfect.

"Is this the school where you went?" Jennifer asked as she looked at it.

Sidney nodded. "Yeah, this is the place. It's not special but it's something".

Sidney turned away as she heard his voice lingering in the back of her mind. Her own memories countered, and she mouthed to herself. "Would you settle for a PG-13 relationship?"

"Huh?" Jennifer piped up.

Sidney smiled softly. "Oh, nothing".

Sidney continued to look around.

Approaching on the right was Woodsboro Police Station. She remembered the night she punched Gale Weathers in the face, the way she dropped into the arms of a police officer and the way she looked back up at her stunned. She smiled and then frowned.

"Is this how it's going to be, Sid? The ending of the movie was supposed to be at the house. This is just silly", Sidney closed her eyes as she heard Jill talking over Billy. "That's sick, right? Well sick is the new sane".

"Don't fuck with the original" Sidney said again.

Jennifer frowned at her but didn't say anything.

"The Hotel is premium five stars! Spa, pool and free parking!" Jennifer said excitedly as they turned into the carpark. She parked, shut the engine off and Sidney climbed out and looked up at the structure. "Was this here when you were?"

She shook her head. "No, it must be new".

They entered the building. As the doors closed Sidney turned and looked out into the street.

Woodsboro. Home.

"Made any progress?" Dewey asked as he came up behind Gale who sat in front of her computer typing away. She was going over old records, aging all the way back to the murder of Maureen Prescott to the murders played out by Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker. He put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them. Gale looked at him and smiled.

"No, I can't seem to find any links besides from some of the names. But that can always be a dead end" Gale replied. "Did Tatum go off okay?"

He nodded. "My mother has taken out of town to see family. She doesn't know anything".

Gale smiled softly. "Good".

"I was up all night waiting for another call in about a murder. But so far, it's been quiet. But I have to go and interview three students, they got phone calls yesterday before school. It was his voice" Dewey explained.

"Just like-"

"Jill, Olivia and Kirby" Dewey completed.

"How is Kirby doing?" Gale questioned as she turned and looked at him.

Dewey shrugged. "We don't talk like we used to".

There was a knock at the front door and Gale frowned and stood up. She patted Dewey on the chest gently before brushing past him and walking out into the hallway. She approached the front door and moved the white silk curtain from the window and gasped.


Dewey came into the hallway and smiled as Gale pulled the door open to let her in.

"Hi, Gale" Sidney said with a smile.

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