A new life for her

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Minutes fly by and Misa is sleeping comfortably on Ryuzaki's chest.

Ryuzaki looks at her and wraps his warm arms around her waist even tighter and pulls her closer to him.

Looks at her again and smiles and gives her a big kiss on her head.

Then he looks forward again and at the faces of the other travelers.

Then he looks at Misa again who is sleeping comfortably in his warm arms.

He smiles and strokes her blond hair. He hears her breathe softly.

He smiles.

I want to go to England with her

Ryuzaki gives Misa another kiss.

And moments later the train stops. Ryuzaki looks at Misa who is still sleeping comfortably on his chest.

A few travelers get out.

Ryuzaki strokes her hair and whispers that they are there.

Misa opens her eyes and looks at Ryuzaki.

Ryuzaki smiles:"We are getting off the train...we are at our destination".

Misa yawns and stretches for a moment.

And then gets up and takes her pink suitcase: "Okay let's go".

Ryuzaki smiles and puts his hands in his trouser pockets and they walk together to the exit and get off the train.

Misa immediately sees that it is super busy at the station. She looks at Ryuzaki and takes his hand.

Ryuzaki feels Misa holding his hand and looks after it and smiles.

Then they walk to a black limousine where Ryuzaki's private driver is already in.

Wateri opens the door of the limousine for the two of them and they climb into the limousine.

Slide on the comfy couch and Misa sits close to Ryuzaki.

It's a long drive.

Misa looks at Ryuzaki with her cute eyes: "I'm so curious Ryuzaki...I really hope all those kids will like me!".

Ryuzaki runs his fingers through her hair: "I'm sure Misa that everyone there will love you and especially the kids and especially Mihael, Matt Linda and Near".

Misa bares her white teeth: "Near is such a cute name".

"So is he". "You'd go crazy for him and he'd love you too...I'm sure."

Misa smiles and kisses his lips for five seconds.

After a few minutes they are there.

Misa and Ryuzaki get out and look at the Whammys house and the big black gate.

Misa slams the door of the limousine shut: "Wow...that gate looks cool" and she walks over to Ryuzaki.

"Yeah sure" and he looks at her: "Are you ready to meet all the kids?".

Misa starts to beam all the way: "Sure you know".

"Okay then" and they walk in.

When they have walked to the gate they see the door of the Whammys house open and an old man come out.

It's Roger.

He sees Ryuzaki and Misa and smiles. He walks over to them and carefully opens the gate and looks at them again and smiles again: "Good to see you again L!....welcome back to England and to the Whammys house". "All my students missed you very much...especially Near and Mello even though they didn't show it to anyone...not even Matt and Linda".

When? {LxMisa,LindaxMatt,MelloxNear}Where stories live. Discover now