Goodbye dear Rem

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Misa looks at Ryuzaki.

Ryuzaki also looks at her and walks over to her and puts a comforting warm arm over her and looks deep into her brown eyes and rubs her shoulder: "But of course you can, honey".

They walk to the room where Rem is shivering in a bed. Misa is startled when she looks at her face. She is stark white and bone-thin.

Linda looks at her with concern too.

Misa drops herself on the edge of Rem's bed and looks at her. Rem looks at her and coughs horribly. They see her take her long inhuman hand from the thick duvet and she strokes Misa's soft warm cheek with her inhuman thumb and forefinger.

Misa looks at her in terror and her eyes fill with clear tears and a clear long tear rolls down her soft warm cheek to her jawline that finally falls to the duvet. A wide happy smile gradually appears on Rem's face. She is happy to see her again.

"Misa" she says softly and weakly, wiping a tear that rolls down her soft cheek with her inhumanly long index finger.

Misa sobs and sniffs and her eyes become very moist again and new long clear tears are rolling down her soft cheeks: "I'm so sorry Rem" she says with a lump in her throat.

Rem gently rubs her soft cheek. The way a mother would stroke her child.

"Shhh...don't cry's okay".

Misa sniffs again and then starts to cry a little louder. Ryuzaki walks over to the bed Rem is in and sits down next to Misa on the edge of the bed and presses Misa tight against him and puts an arm around her and rubs her right upper arm comfortingly.

She sobs and she feels Rem gently rubbing her soft hand that she had taken. Her inhuman long hand feels very cold and they can all clearly see that Rem is going to die soon.

Rem looks at Misa with shiny shining eyes: "Misa.... you look beautiful".

Misa starts laughing softly at the sweet compliment that Rem has just given her and she rubs the palms of her inhumanly long right hand and lifts that hand and lets her hand rub against her face and Rem sees another long clear tear down her soft cheek roll to her jawline and then fall on the thick duvets she lies under.

Misa bravely gives her nose one more time and rubs Rem's hand over her face: "Thank you Rem for....everything....really...for've always been there for me when I needed you....however hard those dark times were for were always there...for me...and you helped me get up when I fell in life....and ...even when I lost both my parents and suddenly became an orphan you were always there for me to take care of me and support me and help and love me what my parents always did before".

"Misa....I have done that with love all those that I felt for you".

A big smile gradually appears on Misa's face and she wipes another tear that rolls down her cheek and then she turns up her nose again and looks at Rem with moist eyes: "Rem..I have something to tell you" .

She sees that Rem is looking at her questioningly. Misa looks at Ryuzaki smiling and cheerful with a melting heart but also a broken heart at the same time because she knows that Rem will soon die.

Together with Ryuzaki she looks at Rem again: "I am pregnant Rem".

"What?" Rem stammers.

"Yes!" she laughs: "Ryuzaki and I are having a baby" and they look at each other with a chuckle.

Then Misa looks at Rem again.

Rem looks at Misa and L and strokes her cheek sweet and soft again: "That's beautiful Misa" she says softly.

"You're going to be a really good mother." Misa beams and feels her heart melt again. Ryuzaki sees that and puts a warm arm around her.

Rem then looks at Ryuzaki again: "And you are going to be a great father L" she says softly.

Ryuzaki smiles small.

"L...promise me that you will take good care of Misa and that you will take good care of her".

Ryuzaki nods and looks at Misa and then looks at Rem again: "Yes Rem...I promise you".

Rem smiles at him: "Good" she says very softly.

Misa and L can just hear her.

Then she looks with a peaceful face at the pitch-dark sky where they can see millions of stars.

Then Rem looks at Misa: "Is it okay if I go to sleep?".

Misa already knows what she means by that and gradually she nods and gently takes both her inhuman hands again and looks at her sweetly: "Yes .... that's alright Rem ... go to sleep ... it's okay she says in a broken voice.

"Okay" Rem says with a smile on her long face and then everyone in the room sees that the female shinigami slowly and very gently closes her eye and won't open it again.

Misa breaks down completely. She feels her heart breaking in her body and she breaks down in tears. Ryuzaki pulls her right up to his warm chest and arms and puts his warm arms around her and holds her tight and hears her cry loudly against his warm chest.

The atmosphere in the room is gray and drab.

Linda looks at Matt and they grabbed each other's hands as Rem closed her eye forever.

They look at each other comfortingly and deeply into each other's eyes.

Then Roger walks slowly up to them with a long sad face and puts a comforting hand on both their right shoulders and then puts a comforting warm arm around the two Whammys giving them comfort and they look in silence at Rem who has become even whiter than she already was when they walked in the room to say goodbye to her. 

And they know she will never wake up again.

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