Revisiting The Park

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(AU when they're 27 and their child is in the story because ✨ yes ✨ and they go back to revisit the park they confessed at.)

"Don't get too far ahead, Lucy!!" Zander called ahead to his son, a meter ahead of them on the path. The autumn breeze filtered through his hair and he smiled at the trees they walked by. His husband Luke walked up beside him and took his hand. 

"Isn't it nice?" he said happily. "Getting all these memories back."

"Definitely," Zander replied, leaning closer towards him. "Look!" came a sudden gasp, with him dragging Luke forward to where Lan was. "It's our tree!"

Indeed, it was the tall tree Zander would climb and read as a kid. "Remember when I fell off?" Luke sniffed. "THAT wasn't fun." 

"You're just being whiny," replied Zander. He let go of Luke's hand and grabbed on of the branches above his head.

"Honey please don't-"

It was too late. Zander was already halfway up the tree, speeding up like a spider monkey in a forest. Lucy watched in amazement, eyes shining. 

"I wanna climb too!" she exclaimed, trying to jump up and grab one of the branches. Zander looked down, giving his husband a 'Chicken.' look. Luke groaned, sighed, and put Lucy on his shoulders before beginning the horrific (in his opinion) climb to Zander. He loved this man too much for his own good.

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