Return Of Mr. Wickham

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Zander was having a nice day. It was a pleasant Summer afternoon, with a slight breeze in the wind. He was up at least 8 feet up in the tree in Luke's yard, reading a book even though he'd read it 5 times already that week. Luke was inside, talking to his parents. Zander was getting to an exciting part in the book when he got a call from his Mom. With a sigh, he answered it. "Hi, Mum," he said into the phone.

But the voice he heard wasn't the voice of Mrs. Wickham. It was deeper, gruff, and irritated. The voice of Mr. Wickham! Zander almost dropped his phone in terror. 

"Hello, Alexzander." Zander's heart flared with anger. He hated that voice, the way he said his name, the way he'd broken his mother's heart.

"What do you want?" the periwinkle-eyed boy said icily. 

"Just to hear your voice, of course," replied Mr. Wickham. Zander could almost taste the lie in his voice, the rage in him growing steadily.

"Why do you have her phone." 

"Let's just say... I got a promotion." the man chuckled. "I happen to be higher class than your mother and I said something would happen to a certain someone if she didn't hand it over. We'll be seeing each other soon, Zander, don't worry. And about this 'Luke.' We'll have a chat about him, too. See you then, Alexzander... it'll be just like old times. Only a few more scars.." He hung up.

Zander's breathing quickened. Panic flooded through him like a tidal wave, crashing through him. He climbed down a few branches and jumped. As he landed, Luke came out the front door. 

"Sweetie? Where are you going?" 

"I don't know if I'll come back today. Bye, Luke." Zander said as he started running down the street. 

Before he could get the momentum to run at full speed, Luke caught his wrist with worried lemon eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I want to help you." His eyes grew more worried. "Your pulse is really fast- are you okay?"

"No." Zander said, disconnecting his wrist from Luke's hand. "My... dad has Mom's phone and I need to see if she's okay."

His boyfriend's eyes grew wide in shock. Immediately he grabbed Zander's hand, gave him a nod, and they took off down the street.


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