The Return Of Mr. Wickham - Part 3

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"MOM?!" Zander gasped, kneeling by Mrs. Wickham's side. She was shaking weakly, her purple hair sticking to her face with the blood. Dried tears stained her face, and her trembling was only slight. Her son fumbled with his pockets, eyes wetting in fear. He dialed 3 numbers: 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" calmly asked the voice of a woman.

"H-hello?" Zander said, shakily holding his mother's hand. "Please, please send an ambulance. My father hurt my mother and sister, I'm worried, and they m-might die- and I w-would-wouldn't have done anyt-thing-" he was beginning to stutter, words coming out of his mouth in bits. 

"Please, stay calm." the woman's voice said assertively. "Where is your father?"

"Unconscious." Zander responded, voice cracking halfway through the single word. "When can y-you send an ambulance?" 

"They're on the way. There are also some police officers deployed."

"Alr-right. I can handle myself until they get here. Thank you." Zander cleared his throat, composing himself. He hung up before the woman could say anything more, then shoved his phone in his pocket and gingerly lifted Mrs. Wickham up. 

With a bit of struggle he brought her downstairs, where Luke was attending to Hailey. A bit of blood was running down the front of her shirt, and there were bruises on her arms, but she looked like she was alright. 

"Is she alright?!" Luke cried when he saw Zander carrying his mother down the stairs. The amber-eyed boy stood, rushing to his boyfriend to help him carry her. They laid her down on the couch, and in came medical people through the front door. They took Mrs. Wickham out on a stretcher, and also advised Hailey to come with them. Luke and Zander rode along, and watched as Mr. Wickham was loaded into a police squad car with handcuffs. He shot daggers at Zander with a look of hatred on his face, and Luke gave him a murderous smile that Zander did not see.

"Who are the injured?" a police officer asked. He was holding a notepad and pen, and gestured to Mrs. Wickham and Hailey.

"Shannon Wickham and Hailey Austin." Luke told her, casting a worried look over at the two. 

"Any relation between the two? And what are there relations to you?"

"They're stepmother and stepdaughter. I'm dating their stepson/stepbrother; this is him, right here." Luke nodded at Zander, who looked forward blankly, like he was in an trance. The auburn haired boy put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"And relations to the criminal?" he asked, setting pen to paper again.

"Biological of Zander, married to Shannon until he left. Technically, he's not related to Hailey."

"Alright," the officer nodded to them, jotting down a few more things. "We'll take care of it." he slipped the notepad into a pocket before getting in the squad car that held Mr. Wickham with a smile and driving off.

Zander was in a daze, as he leaned against his boyfriend. His head was swimming, and worry enveloped his brain like realization of not working on a big assignment due that day. Luke hugged him, which nulled his worries a little bit. "It's going to be alright," whispered his peanut butter lover. He ran a hand through Zander's tangled mauve locks. "Everything will be alright."

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