Professor Luke

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*camera comes into focus, and a tall boy with auburn hair and buttercup eyes appears onscreen. He provides a gentle smile, radiating with warmth felt even through the screen. He waves with 2 hands, showing a single, elbow-length white glove. He wears a red cardigan, white shirt, a long scarf around his neck. He puts on Harry Potter-like glasses, which only make him more simp worthy than before. Finally he sits down in a chair in front of the camera and addresses us.*

Hello! My name is Luke Peterson. For now, you can call me Mr. Peterson or Professor Luke. *he winks* This class is all about how to embarrass my boyfriend! The periwinkle eyed wonder, Zander the Grape! My other half to the PB&J sandwich. Today's lesson is: use tactics of gentle touch in public. Do it subtly, or he will kill you; that, or he's gonna be in your bed that night. Naturally, i mean do this to someone LIKE Zander. Please don't flirt with my boyfriend. Anyway, I'll give you a few examples, then sign off.

*setting changes to behind a bush, Luke and a purple-haired boy are sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant. Luke brushes the boy's hair out of his face.*

Love you, Zander. *from Luke*

*The boy's face flushes, and he looks at his hands fidgeting on his lap. Luke takes one of them and squeezes it. Then, a moment later, he leans over and kisses him on the forehead. Then he leans back into his seat with a warm, slightly nervous, but warm smile.*

*Setting changes back to the opening room, with the peanut butter boy back in his chair.*

Thank you for watching Professor Luke! *glasses takeoff motion* See you next time! PB, out.

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