The ✨Heathers✨ Pt. 2

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POV: Narrator

Zander walked up to the door of the temporary studio for the musical, sweating nervously. Luke opened it before he even knocked, being the only one there, and ushered him inside the building politely. The brunette's insides were going ballistic in terror, slightly worried that something was going to go horribly wrong tonight and there would be... issues... with acting out the song too realistically. It involved making out for a few seconds, AND, the part that made his heart pound and sweat flood out of his every pour, what what would have to happen with his shirt. They weren't doing the Highschool version, after all.

"S-so," Zander stammered, avoiding his eyes. "Should we start practicing?"

"Yeah-!" he cried, a little eagerly and extremely, very panicked.

"Okay..." he blew out slowly. "Let's start the song."

Luke walked over to a speaker that plugged into the wall. He cleared his throat, lifting Zander onto the stage with a shaky thumbs-up as the introduction music started playing.

POV: Hailey

I arrived at the studio for practice. I was supposed to come at 4:30, Luke and Zander coming at 2:00 to set up stuff and all that crap. But it was 3:00. I was early. I wanted to know what they were actually doing. I've set up stuff alone for less time than they claimed it took, and they don't procrastinate a lot (since Zander is in the relationship.)

I opened the studio door, going down the dark hallway to the room we were given to practice, next to where we were actually going to perform. I was about to open the door when I heard:

"L-Luke! Not while someone could walk through the door- hnng!" I heard my stepbrother's sentence end with a small moan. My eyes widened in shock.

"Cmon, sweetie, they're not supposed to be here until 4:30. You were looking for it yesterday, too, why not now?"

"Looking for it? How so?"

"Laying on top of me like that? With the puppy dog eyes? The straddling? Kisses? You're not that affectionate, hun, not even to me. Normally."

I know we were 18 now, adults and that crap, but in a studio? Plus, I was unaware Zander would be that... confident about it. They'd done this BEFORE?  Wow. I underestimated their courage...

"I don't know what you're talking about," Zander sniffed. I could hear that he was lying.

Luke's signature laugh rang out from the door. The door that was almost see-through near the bottom, I realized, and got on the ground to see an almost perfect image of what they were doing across the gym-like room.

POV: Zander

Luke gently kissed my neck, a tiny breath of happiness escaping my mouth. I immediately wished it hadn't, turning a light shade of red. He grinned, continuing to suck the life out of my neck. I let out occasional noises, but for the most part I kept a hand over my mouth to muffle myself and keeping the other on his chest. He soon stopped before it got too intense, as he knew I was right about anyone walking through the door, coming back up and pecking my nose.

"Shall we keep practicing, then, darling?"

I blushed deeply at the pet name, linking my arms behind his neck as I tugged my collar up to hide the new marks on my neck. I didn't need to move much to kiss his neck, putting all my passionate love for him into it. He leaned into it and I leaned out. I got up on my tiptoes and winked. He made a mock scoffing sound.

"You tease," he huffed, arms finding their way around me.

He slow danced me over to the speaker, turning it on to show where we'd left it. It didn't play.

"Oh, look," he said innocently. "It's almost time for the intermission."

"Oh, yes." I knew exactly what he was doing. But I felt like we were doing watched. "The scene where we have to..." I trailed off, eyes widening. "Oh, shoot. You're going to have to take-" I buried my face in his chest.

"Are you okay with that? I mean... during the performance? I know you're okay with me," he joked, but I knew he was just making sure I was alright.

"If it's you, I'm comfortable with anything." I said softly.

He smiled warmly at me and flicked play on the speaker. I started singing my part.

"In here it's beautiful...

Let's make this beautiful~!"

Luke spoke up with his part before we had to start getting intense.

"Works for me- mmph!"

POV: Hailey

I entered the gym-like room silently. Luke and Zander were done with their... intimacy... I think. I heard Zander singing, and I dare to say I don't regret teaching them both. They sounded really good together.

"Works for me- mmph!"

Luke said, and their lips collided like two cars in a crash. The guitar riff sounded in the background, and I held up my phone to film.

The two finally broke apart, and Zander took in a large breath. Both of the boys' hair was mussed, and they were sweating a bit, mixed with the red on their cheeks.

"Yeah~!" my step-brother impressively riffed. "Let's brea-" he stopped short and stepped away from Luke in horror. "HAILEY?!" he screamed. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE!?"

Hailey grinned. "Oh, you know. Since the little dominance battle you had on each other's necks."

They bother blushed profusely, Zander's full face putting Luke's jacket color to shame, the tips of the drummer's ears darkening.

"WHATANICEDAYGOTTAGO!" the periwinkle eyed boy cried, linking his hand together with the auburn haired boy's quickly and speeding out of the room.

My future brother-in-law gave me a sheepish, embarrassed wave.

I waved back, grinned, and sent the video to the group chat all but they were in.

Oh, this musical would be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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