Hiding From The Storm

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I'm going to try updating more frequently with more professional titles and such, so here.

Type: Fluff

Thunder cracked outside of the Wickham's household. It was loud, firm, and terrifying. To Zander, at least. The purple haired boy was scared of a lot of things, including thunder, lightning, and spiders. All of which he'd encountered tonight. The spider in his room when he woke up, accidentally brushing it with the back of his hand as he tried turning the light on. Halfway through the day, the rain began pouring, with no sign of stopping. That was when Luke came. Zander's boyfriend could cheer him up in ways no one else could. He was that ray of light shining through the clouds on a dark day. He was Zander's light. So when he showed up, drenched from the rain, all of the negative thoughts in the grape haired boy's mind disappeared like a snap on the spot.

"Hello, Zan," his best friend, newly boyfriend smiled warmly, pulling him in for a hug. He pecked him gently on the forehead. "Your eyes are looking beautiful."

Zander blushed. It was Luke's new favorite thing to compliment him the moment they saw each other. He loved it, not that he'd let that on. So instead he snorted, "Says the one whose are are literally the same as the sun."

It was Luke's turn to blush, just more subtle than his boyfriend's full face flush. They both jumped at a sudden crack of thunder, Zander ending up tackling Luke in fear. He ushered them both inside, closing the door behind them. The purple ombre haired boy pushed the auburn haired boy onto the couch, curling up against him and leaning against him. The taller male put his arm around the latter, leaning his head against the shorter male. Luke pulled out his phone, and a white pair of earbuds from his pocket. He reached around to put one in the periwinkle eyed boy's ear, then placing the other in his own. The song "Seasons" began to play, a song from their childhood memories that they used to listen to by their tree, a white rose tree near their elementary school, and their treasured park. The one they'd confessed at.

The two stayed that way for quite a while, with their eyes closed, resting against one another. Finally Luke broke the silence with a cliché but gentle "I love you."

"Love you, too." a faint whisper returned, and they listened to music while the thunder roared outside.

Yep... it's short. Again. But, hey, I got something published! That's something. I'll try to do something more heartfelt next time. Hopefully you enjoyed this new one!

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