Lander Discovers YouTube

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The pillow fort was dark. Luke and Zander were cuddling underneath the plush walls, at a sleepover at the periwinkle eyed boy's house. They were on a light gray laptop, a sticker on the top that said, "Peanut Butter To My Jelly" with a picture of Luke and Zander as kids. The bluish light of the laptop's screen showed on their faces, which were squished together and the sides as they shared the laptop. They saw a video come up that had a picture of them on it, in their favorite park. Zander looked confused for a moment before pointing at it. Luke clicked on it, and they cuddled closer to watch. To their amazement, they appeared on the screen.

"Zander!" cried the onscreen Luke, chasing after Zander, tears flying out of his eyes. "Stop running!" A few moments later, they both slowed to a stop. Struggling to catch his breath, the peanut butter boy commented, "You're fast."

"Why are you running after me?! Weren't you about to confess your feelings to that girl?!"  Zander yelled, still not facing Luke. Luke stuttered, "What?! No!" It zoomed in on Zander's face a bit more, an internal monologue saying: 'Why isn't he leaving? I can't stand this. It's too painful!' Then he shouted, agony evident in his voice, "JUST LEAVE ALREADY!"

 "I DONT LIKE THAT GIRL, ZANDER!" onscreen Luke yelled, pain on his face. "I LIKE YOU!"

The periwinkle eyed boy looked shocked for a moment, turning his head to look at his childhood  best friend. "What...?" he breathed, his voice barely audible in the autumn breeze.

Luke's soft buttercup yellow eyes widened for a moment, taking in what he'd just blurted out. He opened his mouth slightly, before closing it again, and opening it again. He continued. "Zander.." he said quietly, his voice growing stronger as he went on speaking, as if he'd been holding back these words for a long time, "I'm in love with you."

At this point, the Lander couple was staring, dumbfounded, at each other. Luke burst out laughing when Zander's face turned from shocked to mortified, and he cried, covering his face with his hands, "WHO RECORDED US?!" His face was a blushing mess, and his voice was muffled with his hands. Luke was wheezing by then, and Zander was trying not to die of blushing, because that kind of death seemed very realistic to him at that moment. They were both curled up in their own little ball, laughing and blushing. Eventually, they came back together, cuddling again.

"Why did they record us." Zander grumbled, complaining again after a few minutes.

Luke laughed, his boyfriend swatting him and crying, "ITS NOT FUNNY, LUKE!!! KKDJWMDOSKWS"

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