Jailey Sailing

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Hailey came into the house with Jake following right behind her. Zander, from his spot beside Luke on the couch, looked up at them. 

Icily he said, "What is that?" He was staring at their entwined hands.

Both of the two blushed and scooted a little closer together. "We, uh-" Hailey squeaked, clearing her throat and continuing more strongly, "We're.. dating.. now."

"WHAT?!" Zander exploded. "That simp!!? Why?! You didn't think to tell me? AND YOU-" Zander tried to stand up and yell at Jake, but Luke hugged his torso and dragged his back into the couch. 

"Zander, please." Luke said, exasperated. "They allowed you and me-"

"That's different!" the periwinkle-eyed boy responded furiously. "He used to bully us, remember? We don't know the intentions of-"

"I do," said Hailey quietly, giving Jake's hand a visible squeeze and a reassuring smile. 

Zander was silent for a moment. He examined the two closely. They looked happy, they really did. It didn't look fake, and he could determine a fake relationship pretty quickly. But he didn't want what happened to his mother to happen to Hailey. He didn't want her heart broken and her crying for weeks, months, years- as he still found Mrs. Wickham crying sometimes in her room, when she thought nobody was there. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity he said, "...If... if it's makes you happy." he said quietly, sinking back into Luke's arms. "Fine."

The young new couple beamed, Jake running up to squeeze the breath out of Zander, (who disapproved) disappeared a few seconds later, Zander guessing to tell Mr. Austin as well.

Luke turned Zander around and pecked his cheek. "I'm proud of you." he whispered.

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