Nursery Rhymes

210 4 1

TW: Abuse

A boy, named Alexzander Wickham, at the age of 10, brushed himself off. Drying tears clung to his cheeks, more recent ones falling off. He looked behind him from where he stood, at the house he called his own. Angered screams sounded, faint from where he'd just been hearing them, but still painfully audible. His bottom lip trembled, and he turned, fleeing.

Alexzander sprinted as fast as he could possibly go, eventually coming to the park not far from the house. No one was here. He speedwalked to the far side, wiping his face repeatedly as he tried to keep his sobs quiet. He came to the small playground, sitting on one of the swings and clinging to its metal chains, which kept it off the ground. He was shaking. Looking down at his arms, he saw where his father had thrown the vase at him. It hadn't hit him, shattering mere feet in front of him. He vividly remembered his mother screaming at him to run. His father coming towards him, a crazy look in his eyes, thirsting for the spill of his son's blood.

He hadn't gotten it. At least, not yet.

Alexzander was not fragile in terms of showing emotions in public. No one had heard him cry in years, even his father, who made him cry every day. That was for when everyone was asleep. He kept that to himself, seeing himself as even more pathetic if he couldn't even control his emotions.

And he wasn't about to tell his parents he was feeling something different for the friend he was soon going to see. The boy who was so close to him, yet so far.

The boy who had spotted him and was coming towards him. Luke.

"Hey, Alex!" he chirped, voice soothing him. He hadn't even realized he was tensed up until he released it. He looked up, smiling weakly at his best friend of four years. Luke's golden eyes widened in concern, and he pulled him off the swing. "Are you okay?"

Panic filled the purple haired boy's own eyes, and he abruptly stepped back from where Luke was holding him up. He folded his arms, looking anywhere but at him. "I'm f-fine," he said, his smile returning again. This time it was nervous, panicked, and crooked. It did not convince his auburn-haired friend.

"What's wrong?" he asked, frowning now. "We're best friends, you can tell me anything."

Alexzander's eye twitched, a tiny action. Again, Luke noticed. His frown grew wider, and the periwinkle eyed boy's heart started pounding in his chest in pure and absolute fear. "I'm fine, Luke. Nothing's wrong." he lied again.

The other boy's eyes flicked around, looking his best friend up and down. They again grew to he side of saucers, mouth slightly opening with a gasp. He gently picked up his friend's arm, inspecting the rather large, bleeding wound on it.

"Where did this come from?" he cried, looking back up into his eyes. Alexzander's face was coated in a faint layer of blush from his touch, along with the now dramatically visible terror in his expression.

"I-I- was walking a-and I h-hit the w-wall-" he tried, stuttering every second and desperately trying to hide what was becoming painstakingly obvious.

"Who did this to you?" Luke growled, an undertone of fury in his still-childlike voice. It made Alexzander flinch, and tears once again started to stream steadily down his face uncontrollably. The taller ten-year-old's head whipped up, and he hugged his friend close.

"Hey, wait, it's okay!" he cried, rubbing his back in what he may have hoped was a comforting way. His best friend relaxed a little, his walls coming down and the barrier he'd put up to border and lock up his emotions falling apart like a sand castle on a rainy day. He weeped into Luke, the latter holding him tightly in high concern as he listened to Alexzander's agonized, yet quiet sobs.

After a while he sniffed, pulling away from him. "I'm sorry," he whispered, putting a hand over his arm, which was not bleeding as much. He still wasn't touching it, still trying to hide it from the lemon-eyed boy. "I didn't m-mean to.." his breath hitched in a pained hiccup.

"It's okay," he shushed him, hugging him close again. This time he got a hug back. Tiny, reassuring whispers continued on as he let him cry again. He would let him cry until he ran out of tears. There was something different about him that Luke couldn't quite place. He would let him do anything he put his mind to, and help him to do so. He wanted to be there for him. And he would be; he would try to with all his might. 

"It's all okay..."


Hey, hi, yeah- I'm not dead- I was just kind of busy. But now my school is over so I can hopefully write a lot more! Thank you for reading this! Next up will probably be some Luke angst, or Yandere Luke. Stay tuned, I'm on a writing spree so there will probably be a lot of new oneshots today.

Word Count with the AM: 846

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