I'm On The Scene And I'm...

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Zander cleared his throat before climbing in the window of the Peterson's house. It took all his strength to keep from tumbling down ungracefully on the floor, and gently planted himself on the floor. He looked around the bedroom he'd entered, quickly spotting his boyfriend, looking adorable, sound asleep. Zander's heart skipped a beat as he watched the lemon yellow eyed boy breathe peacefully. Zander took the flashlight out of his pocket and grinned. As much as he loved Luke, this would be hilarious. He looked at the window expectantly. As if on cue, a pink-haired girl holding an old-fashioned camera tumbled through. Before she hit the ground, Zander caught her before she could make a sound. (Rhymes XD that was a beautiful accident) He smoothly set her on her feet before she could attack him. SO HEAVY. he thought. She almost dropped the camera. Milly glared at him, and sighed inaudibly. She quickly, and, silently as she could, settled herself fin a corner of the room and pulled out a camera. She gave a quick grin and thumbs up before beginning to film. Zander began to make poorly sounding ghostie noises, whistling and whispers in one.

 "Lukeee....." he whispered, almost right in his ear. The auburn haired peanut butter almost immediately tensed up, opening his eyes a split second after Zander had ducked behind the side of his bed. Milly was in the shadows, so she was invisible to someone not looking very hard, even with her bubblegum pink haircolor. Luke sat up, wiping sleepiness out of his eyes immediately. He reached under his pillow and clenched his hand, apparently finding something he kept under it. He looked around the room, his usually tender and loving buttercup eyes burning in alertness, suspicion, and intensity. 

Suddenly, Zander whipped up from beside him and whisper-sang in his ear, "I'm on the scene and I'm inside your bed~." 

Luke's body language tensed, and he whipped his head around in confusion and shock. He saw Zander, his eyes melting back to the normal butterscotch colored warmth. He relaxed, and laughed gently. "Is this why Jake is always late?" he grinned. "Doesn't get enough sleep, you grape monster?" His hand eased away from under his pillow.

Wheezing broke out from a corner of the room. Luke tensed again a bit, his hand creeping towards his pillow ever so slightly. Zander cocked his head curiously, purple ombré curls falling to the side as he did. Milly stepped out from the shadows, camera in hand, still wheezing. Luke's hand inched away from his pillow again.

"J-Jake doesn't get enough-" she coughed violently, trying to regain control of her breath and miserably failing. "HHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA!!" 

Zander rolled his eyes. "Cmon, Milly." he scolded. "You were supposed to stay in the shadows!" 

Luke's shoulders tightened, and he looked at Zander with his eyebrows furrowed. Just a little, but even in the dark the 'periwinkle-eyed wonder' could see. "Did.. you video that?" Luke asked, the intensity burning in his eyes returning, although it was barely there; faint, but still visible.

"Yeah?" he responded. Zander took his hand and squeezed it with a worried expression. "Is there something we weren't supposed to see?" 

Zander, usually being able to read Luke's expressions like an open book, suddenly realized it wasn't just him tensing up. It was like he was putting on a poker face to cover his thoughts. "Uh," Luke smiled warmly. "Nope, it's all good here." he rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.

"Luke, you stupid, gorgeous peanut butter idiot. I know when you're lying."

Milly suddenly tensed up too, as if she knew what he were lying about. "Uh, it's 2:41 AM, maybe we should-"

"You never care about what time it is, Milly. What are you hiding, Luke?" Zander's expression suddenly turned to stone, serious and unchangeable.

Luke sighed. He frowned and muttered. "I wish I could lie to you about this." 

Zander's mouth opened in horror and his eyes widened in shock as Luke took the pillow he was sleeping on off the bed and revealed a long kitchen knife stained with dried maroon blood.

Alright friendos, that got dark fast. If you didn't read the chapter I'm sorry if this was inappropriate or something for you ;w;. If you DID read it, I know it sucked TwT! I'm not even a high schooler, I don't know how to build up to that- (me lying, writing books since I was 6 OwO) so YEZ. Again, apologies for the delay on this chapter, I am really busy with other stuff and I will try to post regularly even if only 4 times a month. Thank you :)

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