♡ Light Up My World ♡

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"Lukey?" softly came the voice of the pianist.

I looked to my left. We were just outside his bedroom window, sitting on the little roof section that poked out. There he was, the love of my life who I'd just gotten with less than a week ago. My heart melted at the smile of his face. So genuine, so pristine, so perfect. Just beautiful.

"Yes, honey?" I asked softly, a contagious smile plastering onto my own face.

Faint pink blossomed onto his cheeks, and he took one of my hands, leaning back against the roof tiles. "I love you," he said quietly, that delicate smile staying there.

I felt my heart pound harder. I loved this boy. I smiled back, tearing my gaze from the pianist to continue looking up at the darkening sky that was slowly filling with stars.

"Love you, too," I chuckled warmly. I pulled him closer to me, kissing his cheek. He turned and kissed me lightly. I kissed back and we separated after a moment. I still felt like I was on Cloud Nine, even after the five days I've been with him. This still felt like a dream come true.

We just leaned into each other, soft smiles on both of our faces. We were out there, watching the stars, not caring about anything got the time being.

And we loved every second of it.

*10 years into the future:*

Here we are. Sitting on a rooftop, outside of a bedroom window. The same one. But tonight is special. Tonight is going to be amazing. I can feel the sweat coming out of every pore of my body. I, Luke Peterson, am probably the sweatiest person on Earth as of right now.

I'm going to propose.

Zander is inside, using the bathroom. I feel my heartbeat quicken, the mentioned organ practically pounding out of my chest. I fiddle with the corner of my pants pocket, my fingertips brushing the soft velvet of the ring box. I shiver. Tonight is the night. I'm really doing this.

"You can do it," I whisper shakily to myself, smiling.

Zander, as if on cue, climbs out on the rooftop. "Do what?" he asks, pecking my forehead.

Before he can sit down, I say, "Uh... about that... can we go inside for a second, baby?"

The periwinkle eyed boy looks up at the now dark sky, covered with clouds.

"Sure," he says warily, climbing back through his open window. I quickly follow suit.

I exhale nervously as I step onto his wooden floor. I'm shaking. Badly. He notices and his brow furrows in worry. It makes my pounding heart ease slightly and my hardcore concern die down a little. I look at him, making up my mind. I slowly get down on one knee. I hear him gasp in shock and I look up, in one motion taking the ring box out of my pocket and holding it up to him on the ground.

"Alexzander Wickham," I say with a smile, "We've known each other for the majority of our lives. We've been dating for 10 years, and I have to say, it's been by far the best experience of my life. And I want to keep this experience as something daily. I want to devote my life to you. The life you've made so amazing. I love you so, so much, my love. I'm asking you this question now: will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

A moment of silence passes through the room. A moment of stillness. My heart drops, slowly.

Finally, tears stream down his face and he falls to the ground on top of me. "Of course! I love you, I love you! Yes, Luke, I'll marry you!"

My facial expression is suddenly all pure joy, I can feel it. I hug him close, sliding the ring on his finger. I bring him close and kiss him passionately. As we release, we put our foreheads together and we're both crying.

"You light up my world, sunshine," I say happily, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"I love you," he says, kissing me again.

"I love you too, darling."

I posted this on Discord first, in Rosy's server, so if this looks familiar that's why O_o

690 words

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