Say That You Love Me

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Type: Fluff, some weird mix of lime and slight, slight lemon

YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. Proceed with caution.


Drover, don't read this :) I can smell it

"Love you..." came a murmur from above. There was a brief pressure on thick, fluffy purple locks from soft lips.

Zander didn't look up.

He simply hummed in response, looking back down and nuzzling into his lover's sturdy neck. He curled further into himself, clutching his boyfriend's shirt slightly. That earned a chuckle from the man that towered over him, even sitting down.

"Love you too, Luke," sniffed the smaller male, voice muffled from his face being buried on his boyfriend. He nuzzled downwards, face soon snuggling against Luke's signature red scarf that was around his neck whenever it could be.

The two were there in silence for a moment, leaning into each other. Simultaneously Luke and Zander lifted themselves up and looked into each other's eyes. A half second of hesitation. Leaning in, and lips meeting lips. Another separation.

"Love youuu Lukey."

Luke's face copied what Zander's had been doing and nuzzled into the nape of his neck.

"That was my line." he sniffed, mock offense in his voice.

"And that's my spot."

An amused hum escaped his boyfriend's mouth, and he rubbed his cheek against the top of Luke's head. The brunette replied with a quick peck to his neck, his significant other sighing almost dreamily.

The taller male chuckled, again pressing a slightly longer kiss. Zander leaned into it, smiling with more contented hums. This continued on for a while, the smaller letting out small noises that pleased Luke.

"Baby?" he eventually asked, looking up as the mauve haired man had done prior in the position he'd taken.


Luke sat up, pulling him closer with his hands around his waist. The pianist felt a smile come onto his face, the brunette's own mouth melting into one from the contagiousness. The smiles soon pressed together again, automatically adding tongue, sliding in gently and slowly getting rougher as they rubbed against each other.

Contented hums bled into the drummer's mouth from his lover, being returned as low moans.

Eventually they separated, panting slightly with clear beads of sweat occasionally dripping down their faces. The smiles were still there, stretched and bright. Luke gave Zander one more peck, causing the pianist to blush a dark crimson but his mouth tugged further upward. He returned it faintly before his boyfriend pulled away again with a wink. His face somehow reddened even more.

"I love you~" the brunette whispered, right into his ear as he tugged him closer and started gently kissing his neck, littering it with tiny, faint kisses.

"You dummy."  Zander purred, his voice low in happiness as he leaned into the pleasuring actions. Luke stopped for a moment to chuckle lightly before resuming his course down to his collarbone. The periwinkle eyed male smiled, shuddering ever so slightly.

"Your dummy." Luke said lovingly as he brought their faces together again and their lips once more united in a sweet, passionate yet short kiss. He caressed the pianist's cheek before coming down and kissing his neck a few more times. Low hums again filled the air, coming from both boys. And, again, they separated.

The mauve haired boy started fiddling gently with the bottom of Luke's shirt, and slowly, inch by inch, it came up, and off. Zander blushed intensely. The other's three layers of upper clothing following soon after, leaving both shirtless and blushing messes.

The two of them soon cuddled into each other, not bothering to put their discarded clothes back on, their faces remaining red as tomatoes.

"Zander?" asked the brunette softly.


"Should we do this...?"

He was met with silence. He looked down at the other, who was looking up at him.

"If... if... you'd like t-to... I'd be happy if you were my, erm, first t-time." Zander stuttered, cuddling closer to him and looking away in embarrassment.

Luke swallowed, the tops of his ears now highlighted with a dark shade of crimson that matched the scarf, which had stayed on him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"That's a yes, sweetheart."

The shorter male practically choked, face somehow turning up in the shade of red. He looked up again, his hands on Luke's chest. His gaze travelled to his hands, cheeks feeling like they were melting. "Okay," was all he could get out as he stared at his boyfriend's buff features.

He boosted himself up and smushed his lips onto his significant other's, and the two were nervous but ready.

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