The Return Of Mr. Wickham - Part 2

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Luke and Zander ran like bulls into a red sunrise to Zander's house, hand in hand, breathing hard. Their houses were only a park away, but they were running at full speed, Luke struggling to keep up. Clutching their stomachs with heaving breaths, they burst in the door to find Hailey cowering beneath a man with deep, dark onyx black eyes, the darkest purple hair in a ponytail, who was holding a bat. Hailey was visibly shaking, hands over her head. Her face was stained with tears, blue hair  hanging around her face as she cried. Mr. Wickham raised the bat to strike her, most likely not the first time, but he was tackled by a smaller, more purple flash. In an instant, Luke and Zander were on top of Mr. Wickham, wrenching the bat from his grip. Zander aggressively threw him up against the wall, getting off the floor and pinning his father there. 

"Where is my mother," he snarled, looking him right in the eyes. Luke was over beside Hailey, telling her to rest on the couch. He came over and put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. 

"Calm down," Luke whispered. Slowly, Zander grudgingly let his father off of the wall. He slid back beside Luke and folded his arms. His periwinkle eyes were gleaming with rage. He raised his chin to show dominance and hissed again, "WHERE. IS. SHE."

Mr. Wickham chuckled, a deep, gruff noise, and said, "Do you need to know?"

That was when Zander punched him square in the nose. 

"Zander..!" Luke exclaimed, attempting to hold him back. Mr. Wickham rose from crouching, wiping blood off of his face. He slapped Zander's face, leaving a mark on his cheek. Luke's warm, tender buttercup eyes melted into fierce hatred and malice. In an instant they were burning with intensity and anger; he punched Mr. Wickham in the face yet again, but this time he fell, unconscious. Zander rubbed his cheek where he'd been slapped, and glowered at the heap on the floor that was his father. He frowned deeply. Then he searched Mr. Wickham's pockets and pulled out a phone. 

"Mum's phone," he breathed, worry taking over his periwinkle eyes. He heard a cry come from upstairs and took off towards it. Luke and Hailey were not far behind him. Zander opened the door to his mother's bedroom to find Mrs. Wickham bleeding on the floor by her closet, her clothes and light purple locks stained with dried blood.

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