Slow Dancing

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Type: I don't even know- fluff?

"Hit me baby one more time~!"

Zander was in love with this song, and singing it nonstop. He was feeling jazzy, working his shoulders to the beat. He closed his eyes, nodding to it enthusiastically and singing it in his best voice. "Oops, I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game~"

When he opened his eyes, the bedroom door was open and Luke was standing there with a bewildered but smug grin.

Zander, of course, took this opportunity to be the seductive one. He stepped over to him, moving with the music and taking his hand. He pulled, hard, making Luke fall. He dipped him almost to the ground, grinning as he sang the last lines.

"Oh baby, baby, oops, I think I'm in love~! Sent from above~ Not that innocent!"

Luke stood with little effort, putting his arms around a giggling Zander. "Does that count as you calling me a pet name?" he asked, laughing at his boyfriend's giddiness.

"Luke, honey, I think it's my turn to be the flirt."

"Not if I have anything to say about it."

Zander laughed, smile brightening. Luke's cheeks turned a light shine of pink for a moment.

The brunette went over to the small speaker where 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' was finishing. He clicked it onto a slow song. He walked over to Zander, grinning and taking him into a slow dance position. The latter laid his head against Luke's chest, closing his eyes.

"Hun, you know I love you," Luke said quietly, kissing the top of his head.

"Yes?" he put his head up, unsure where he was going with this.

"So don't kill me."


The taller male swept him off his feet, dipping him further than done to him earlier. He just kept him there, against the periwinkle eyed boy's squirming. He faked getting ready to drop him, still about a foot off the ground, onto his back. Zander threw his arms around his neck, locking his legs around his lower back.

"Luke!" he whined, clinging to the back of his lover's shirt desperately. Baby, don't-! I'm going to kill you-"

The lemon eyed boy swept him back up, laughing and keeping them in the slow dance position again. They moved in sync, Zander sniffing in mock offense.

"So," the taller boy laughed, "When did you start using the name 'baby?'"

His lover choked, to which Luke found adorable. The two kept moving, silently. It was, like normal, a comfortable silence.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

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