Try Me

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We actually have a request bois ✌️ Amazing

Request by : fluttershyzxy 

Type: Fluff / Lime *YOU'VE BEEN WARNED*

I'm in the mood for kissing scenes, if you saw chapter 3 of 'Dynamic.' You've been double warned... good luck

Zander and Luke Peterson were cuddling on a small cushiony couch in a hotel. The two were on their honeymoon, having been married 5 days before. They had been in this exact position for a half an hour. Zander was sitting on Luke's lap, the latter's legs going numb after this long. But he didn't mind. They were in love. Very much so.

Luke smiled down at the little bundle of happiness that Zander had been recently, his usually sour personality letting that side of him peek through. Feeling eyes on him, his husband looked up, smiling like it was nobody's business.

"Hey, honeybun," Luke whispered, gently brushing thick strands of mauve hair out of his lover's pale face. In response, Zander giggled, which Luke found adorable, and nuzzled his neck.

"All you can reach?" the taller male teased, grinning.

"Yeah, sure..." Zander rolled his eyes playfully.

"I'd like to see you try getting anything above without me looking down."

"We'll see about that, giraffe."

With that ludicrous comment, Zander looked up at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He jumped up on his husband, throwing an arm around his neck. He used the other to yank down on his signature crimson red scarf that matched his hoodie- the one that had only been off for the time of the wedding- bringing his face closer. He smashed their lips together as Luke's head came down, keeping them united with the first hand on the back of his head. Both men's eyes closed at the same time.

Luke was having trouble keeping Zander up, with all his weight on him and his numbing lower half. So he lifted the periwinkle eyed man, the latter holding on by locking his legs around his waist and the arms around his head. Luke chuckled through the kiss, laying him down on the couch on his back. He promptly got on top of him. Zander's legs were still around him.

Suddenly Luke's tongue tapped Zander's lower lip, making the shorter male open his lavender eyes in surprise. Oh. He was asking for permission. A moment's hesitation. Then he smiled through the kiss. The mauve haired man proceeded to close his eyes again, tapping the tongue with his own and it invaded.

Both of them took a moment to explore the other's mouth, tongues finally dancing together in sync, rubbing against each other. Luke hugged Zander tighter, deepening the kiss, enjoying this new sensation.

Eventually the two broke apart, lungs demanding air. They gasped for it, a thin string of saliva still connecting them for a few seconds. Luke got off of him, wiping both of their mouths off with a warm smile, leaving Zander laying on his back, breathless. The latter soon followed, licking his lips to savor the taste of his husband.

The newlyweds, without a word in their comfortable silence, entered the temporary bedroom they would be occupying for the next two days. Holding hands, they sat down on the bed. It made less than a squeaking noise as the two snuck glances at each other.

"Erm... who should get dressed first?" Luke asked awkwardly, shattering the silence.

Zander thought for a moment, before a light shade of pink crept onto his cheeks.

"We don't need to take turns..." he mumbled, slipping his hand away from Luke. He folded it with his own, on his lap, looking down.

Luke was a bit confused, before it clicked in his mind and his face looked like he'd just gotten a second-degree burn. "Oh," he forced out, voice coming out in a squeak that was higher pitched than a hummingbird's chirp. Then he cleared his throat, looking at the man beside him. Th man that he loved, who was keeping his gaze, embarrassed, strictly to the ground.

"I mean," the brunette said softly, "We're going to be together forever-" his voice hitched in happiness on 'forever-' "We shouldn't hide anything from each other, right..?"

Zander's face turned towards him, eyebrows raising. A panicky look appeared on it, along with the major blush. "I-I don't want to f-force you into anything-!" he stuttered, animatedly moving his hands in a no-no fashion.

"Zander," his lover said, locking eyes with him, "You aren't forcing me into anything..."

The auburn haired man took both of Zander's hands, keeping their stares at each other. "I love you. And if you love me... I'd... like it if we could do this. I'd much rather my.." he cleared his throat, "My first time, be with you."

The periwinkle eyed man's eyes watered, just a tiny bit, and he bit his lip, trying to keep the touched tears inside. He smiled at his husband. Invisible sparks flew between them as Luke leaned closer and pecked him on the lips. He looked down for a second before meeting his eyes again. The shorter male ga(y)ve him a simple nod, telling him inaudibly that he could. In response, his lover gave him a gentle smile before littering butterfly kisses down his collarbone. Zander closed his eyes, feeling an explosion of happiness with each kiss. Slowly, buttons on his shirt came undone, and he relaxed under Luke's loving, tender touch.

This would be a night to remember.


OKAY THAT WAS SOMETHING. My first time writing anything like this. I hope it was okay, and was enough to satisfy lime-terms. Thank you for being the first person to request anything, Fluttershy! This was in a way satisfying to write so 🤷‍♀️ Yeah.

And thank whoever you are for reading! Have a nice day or night wherever you are.

Word count w/ aftermessage: 948

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