Ep 5 Aftermath

234 6 5

POV: Hailey

Type: Fluff?

Zander practically skipped ahead of me. He had that rare genuine smile on his face, and he was beaming. You could basically smell the joy radiating off of him. I was going to beat the truth out of him about what happened, even though I already knew. I wanted to hear it from him. It was hilarious watching the two get flustered over one another. Tell me otherwise!

"Heyyy, dork," I said, coming up beside him and bumping him with my hip. "Why are you so happy? Thinking about your boyfriend~?"

He looked at me, his whole face red in under a second. "W-what? I don't have a boyfriend!" he scoffed. Wow. Is everyone I know this bad at hiding things? I could literally see sweat on the side of his face.

"Mhm..." I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Isn't that a nice spot by the park? Y'know, the one we have to pass to get home?"

He side-eyed me warily. He'd realized I knew something by now. Zander's not stupid. "Lovely." he said stiffly. "Why?"

"No reason~" I giggled, slowing down so he was walking in front of me. My step brother walks fast. He's a speedy little guy when he wants to be. Like when he was running from Luke not to long ago. He beat Luke in running. The guy who has a six-pack in his Junior year! I don't know why he doesn't play sports.

After a while of walking in silence, Zander pulled out his phone. He started typing, his face slowly fading into just a light hue of pink. He was wearing that subtle smile again. I decided to spy and stealthily got closer to him, struggling to keep up with his speed and sneak peeks at the same time. I could see his phone, though, and their texts were adorable.


Luke ❤️: 

Hey, sweetie! How's it going?


You're already starting with the pet names?

Luke ❤️:

Of course. I'm locked and loaded, sunshine.


Sunshine? How did you even think of that one?

Luke ❤️:

You are my sunshine. Here's a list of more: 






Mr. Grape


sweetie pie




Why are you like this? Idiot.

Luke ❤️:

Your idiot. Don't forget it, honeybun!


Zander stopped typing, the phone flying into his pocket. He was looking at me, his face that hot rosy (yeah you wait, I'm putting more puns in here. The misery's not over yet-) color. I think I'm going to call it "enraged pink."

"HAILEY!" he cried, slapping his hands over his face.

I started laughing and smiling.

"How much did you see?" he sniffed, folding his arms and not meeting my eyes.

"Oh, you know," I teased, my grin growing wider, "The kiss."

His mouth dropped open and his 'enraged pink' face somehow got even redder. At this point I was wheezing, fighting not to drop on the ground and laugh my guts out.

He let loose something that sounded to me like a pterodactyl screech, and sprinted forward, me following in a lazy run that was supposed to be a dash.

This would be fun.

- 493 words -

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