Wake Up!

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Luke opened his soft honey eyes, blinking the sleep out of them. He was leaning against his bedroom wall, legs straight in front of him. He yawned and attempted to move his hand over his mouth, but froze. He felt something warm on the left side of his body. Slowly he craned his neck to look, and he turned into a blushing mess. Zander was leaning against Luke, head on his shoulder. His legs were tucked up to his chest, and he was lightly gripping Luke's left arm. The auburn haired boy took a deep breath, shuddering slightly. His face went back to its normal shade, mostly, and he used his other hand to tap him on the shoulder. The duo had been married for 2 years now, but they were still overly nervous around each other.

"Zander?" Luke whispered, his deep, soothing voice echoing quietly. His husband stirred, his relaxed features tensing a bit as he woke. His usual frown enveloped his face. At this, Luke smiled. Zander was not a morning person. "Morning, honeybun." he chuckled, keeping his voice low. He moved his left arm from locked against his side to around the periwinkle eyed man. 

"5 more minutes..." Zander sniffed, allowing his luscious locks to fall in front of his eyes. He cuddled up closer to Luke, closing his gorgeous mauve eyes again. Gently, Luke prodded his husband's cheek. "You need to get up, honey. We promised Hailey and Jake we would go to that restaurant with them, remember?" In response, Zander sniffed again. He stretched, his warmth leaving the peanut butter boy. Neither wanted to leave the other's embrace. 

"I still don't see what Hailey sees in that idiot." the shorter man complained, still groggy. 

"Less complaining, more getting up." Luke smiled gingerly at him, placing a soft peck on his husband's forehead. They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, delicate lemon meeting soft periwinkle.

"Fine." Zander said, grumpiness, and a tint of rose, washing over his face. That made Luke, again, chuckle softly. "Love you, Zander." His husband rolled his eyes, and replied, "Love you too, dork."

Hey, I'm back! :') I'm gonna be on a posting spree, so UvU, I won't leave much of a message.

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