I want a dog!

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Hailey walked into Zander's room. The same as it had been for 5 years, the walls were a plain beige color, and the floors were pastel brown wood planks. The blinds on his window were open, revealing a pure Winter Wonderland outside. Zander was curled up on his bed, soft purple sheets matching his periwinkle eyes. He had a book in hand, about halfway through it, from what Hailey could see. Hailey's black eyes twinkled as she asked Zander, "What do you want for Christmas this year?" 

Her stepbrother gave her a look. "Christmas is in 2 days, why are you asking now?"

Hailey shrugged, smiling wider. "I just like last-minute gift shopping, I guess! Now, what do you want for Christmas?"

Zander rolled his eyes, staring back at his book. He flipped a page and vaguely said, "I don't know. A book, or new sheet music for the piano."

"Come ON, Zander." Hailey sighed, the obsidian orbs of her eyes narrowing. "You say that every year. Do something different."

"I don't really care."

"Just choose something!"

"I already said what I wanted, Hailey."

"Be original for once. Not classical, Milly is kind of right. It does get boring."

"Why are you being picky about what I want for Christmas?" he sighed, softly facepalming himself.

"Just pick something different." repeated his stepsister.

"I don't need to."

"COME ON!" she said impatiently.

Zander was starting to get irritated, so he said angrily, "I don't care Hailey!"

She growled back, and the average person could see that it was going to turn into a sibling battle. "PICK SOMETHING!" She folded her arms, and leaned against the door. "And pick something DIFFERENT."





"FINE!" he yelled, slamming his book down onto his bed. A tinge of rose was on his cheeks now, gradually fading away. "I want a dog!" he snarled, standing. "Now, out!"

Hailey's eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth curled upwards in a smirk. "Ah." She said, stepping backwards out of his bedroom. "Alright, then." she shut the door behind her, long blue hair flying after her as she bounced into her room. Her smile was bright.

She got out her phone and called Luke. "Hey!" she said when he answered.

 As his soothing deep voice asked her, "Hey, Hailey. What's up?" she pulled out an orange bow from her dresser. She examined it and nodded to herself, smug look deepening.

"You doing anything this Christmas in the morning? Also, how long can you hold your breath?"

———Christmas Day———

"Now for the last gift: to Zander from Hailey." Shannon announced, smiling at her three children, who were all seated together. Hailey grinned, standing up and pulling out her phone. "I'm gonna document this!" she giggled, hitting the record button.

Zander wrinkled her nose at her in confusion. He turned to his present; the wrapping was striped, purple and orange slashing against each other, but looking good just the same. It was big, and very bumpy-looking. The grape boy gently opened the package, soon to uncover something warm. Hailey zoomed in on Zander's face, a little. Just in time to see it flush immediately, and he hid his face in his hands.

 Luke slid out of the wrapping paper,  looking undeniably hot (A/N: doesn't he always? ❤️ Sorry, Luke simp here lol) with an orange bow against his auburn hair, along with an animal-eared headband. Attached to the back of his pants was a long tail, resembling that of a dog. "Hi," he said, managing to keep a straight face before bursting out in tears, laughing. 

Zander stood from his embarrassed state and walked calmly over to Hailey. She thought he was going to smack her, or tell her she was going to hear noises under her bed tonight. But, what surprised her, is that he didn't. Instead, he grinned nervously at her, and gave her a hug. Hailey hugged back, still very surprised.

"Thanks." Zander said, stepping back after a moment. He went over to Luke again, who was now standing and obviously trying not the start laughing again. Zander hugged him, too, and Luke tenderly and lovingly hugged him back, before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. 

"OH YEAHH!!" Hailey exclaimed. Only then did they realize she hadn't stopped filming.

"HAILEYYYY!!!" Zander cried, immediately chasing after her as a blushing mess. "LIKE A RACING, LIKE A CHASING-"

Hailey was definitely not getting sleep that night.

Posting spree Pt. 2 UvU. I know it's nowhere close to Christmas, but I thought this would be a cute oneshot. So here UwU.

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