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Third person POV

It was a cool Tuesday night in a small apartment, a young man named Eddie Brock was staring at his bills, thinking about his financial struggles. A sad sigh came out of his lips as his eyes filled with distress. His mind filled with scenarios of the dangerous outside if he could not pay his rent.

Eddie's POV

I don't want to be evicted...but I can't pay the rent by the end of the month... Another sigh made its way out of my mouth. "Ugh...I need to take a breather." I groaned. I made my way out of my apartment to take a walk, or rather a jog based on how fast I was. I jogged past stores (hi Mrs. Chen!) and buildings. I saw a "Hiring Male" sign in the corner of my eye. My eyes lit up when thinking about money. My organs felt as if the were being pushed back based on how fast I ran across the road. Yet all my excitement died when I walked to the front of the sign. Apparently I didn't read the whole sign since it said "Hiring Male Strippers" instead of "Hiring Male." (Yes I know it would be grammatically incorrect if it actually said "Hiring Male"). How about we take a little trip into my head? Well you have no choice but to.


Bold=Desperate Eddie

Italics=Eddie's pride

Italic Bold=Eddie

"No way. We can't! What about pride!? What if someone saw us here!?"

"So you're assuming my friends, Anne and Dan, who are together, will be here? Mrs. Chen is also with somebody, and is too busy with work."

"Yeah! Listen to him! We need this money too! Would you rather be on the streets or work?"

"Yeah! I would!"

"Well I don't! Please Eddie listen to me! It's for your health, your well being! We can't die this early!"

"If you're expecting me to beg, I simply will not. I know you will see things my way."

"Desperate's right, I don't wanna trouble Anne and Dan if I stay at their house, or Mrs. Chen..."

"Don't come back to me crying when someone sees you!"


"Well I guess this is my only choice." I muttered. I stared at the building, up at the top, it states in purple, "Libido Paradox" the catchphrase is "Guaranteed to Satisfy Your Paradox Of a Libido" how...sexual...of course, what did I expect? I stepped in front of the door and got my wallet out to show the guards my ID. I opened the door to flashing lights, consisting of the colors purple, gold, and white. There was a bar on the left and a stage with three poles on the right, around the stages were dark purple couches. In the back was the dance floor and DJ. There were doors from left to right leading to....some place that I rather not think of. I walked up to the bar, the counter was made out of dark oak wood, and the barstools were the same shade of purple as the couch. I sat down and waited for the bartender to walk over. A tall man with short brown hair came over and leaned on the counter, placing his hands on it. "What can I get for you?" he asked

"Um, actually I would like to apply for this job, if it's still available of course."

"For the stripper position? ..."


"I'll go ask my boss, wait here."


I waited like he said, looking over to the poles that I might be stripping on very soon. The strippers must've not arrived yet, given the poles were empty. I was pretty confident about getting this job since I did have a talent for dancing. I reached down to take my phone out. Shoot I forgot my phone at home I groaned yet waited still. The bartender finally returned with a smile on his face. "She would like to talk to you! Follow me." he signaled for me to follow. I walked with him to one of the doors on the left. The door led to a staircase, leading to the boss's office. "Good luck!" he said. I knocked on the door and waited for a response (ugh more waiting). "Come in." a quiet voice replied. I opened the door to a lady with short black hair. "You must be the applicant!" here, take a seat. She pointed at a chair i front of her. I walked over and did as she told. "Tell me, why do you want this job?" she questioned me. "I need the money..." I hesitated to tell her but spat it out when the scenarios of being homeless infected my mind yet once again.

"Do you have experience in stripping? If not, do you dance?"

"No, I do not have experience, but I do dance."

"Will you be comfortable wearing scandalous outfits?"

"I-yes if that's the situation."

Outfits? Plural?

"Hmm, you've got a decent body too."


"Have you ever had sex before?"


"Will you be comfortable cuddling, making out, and etcetera?"

"For cuddling yes, maybe for making out, and it depends on what it is for 'etcetera'.

"Hm...Great, you're hired!"

When she told me the news, it seems as if a superhero chased all the scenarios of being homeless out of my head. I was speechless. All I could do was put on a sincere smile. I could finally speak again a little bit after, so I thanked her and asked when will I start. "We'll teach you the basics and everything we can fit into the amount of time we're given. The lessons will be from tomorrow to next Wednesday." she informed me. I walked out of the office with a big smile on my face, then out of the club. I jogged back home with the same smile, still plastered on my face.


961 words

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