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TW: A Few Swears


3rd person POV

The Next Day

The sun shined brightly through Eddie's window, while his phone was making a excruciating noise. "Ughhh...." he groaned, hesitant to wake up. But at last, he sat up to turn of his alarm. Suddenly, his eyes opened as he flew off the bed. "Shit! Lessons!" he remembered. He snatched his clothes, in a hurry to change and brush his teeth. He ran to the bathroom, turned the sink on, and washed his face before grabbing his toothbrush. He then grabbed the toothpaste and squirted it onto the toothbrush. As he brushed his teeth, his left hand reached over to grab the brush. He multi-tasked brushing his hair and his teeth.

A few minutes later, Eddie spat out the foam from the toothpaste. He washed his face again and grabbed his towel to dry his face. He looked at himself in the mirror, not admiring, but not hating his face. He walked out of the bathroom, grabbed his phone and keys off of his nightstand. He rushed out of his apartment, almost forgetting to lock the door. Eddie had one chance to get this job and he won't waste it.

Eddie's POV

If I run, I can make it there in a few minutes...I think And so I ran, maneuvering around people. I ran quicker, almost bumping into someone, almost tripping over a dog, and got a few people a little agitated. I finally caught a glimpse of the club and ran across the road (Yes I know that is dangerous since I didn't check each side of the road. Don't do that kids!) to it. I made my way to the guards, and they let me in. Surprisingly, the lights were still dancing around and the club was still packed with people (I thought this was a nightclub? And damn these people are horny if they're here 24/7). I waved to the bartender and opened the same door that led up to the boss's office. I made my way up the stairs (Ugh stairs) and knocked on the door. "Come in!" the boss said in a louder voice than yesterday's. I opened the door to the same lady, sitting on the L-shaped couch in upper-right corner of the room. It was a black couch with a white rug underneath and white pillows.

"Today's your first day of training, as I would call it. How do you feel?"

"Quite nervous actually."

"Oh, well that's fine. Everyone gets anxious when the start! Now shall we?"

"What do you mean by shall we?"

"Shall we start of course! Follow me, I'll show you my studio."

I followed her to the door in the bottom corner of the left wall. She opened the door to a large rectangle shaped room. She turned on the lights, revealing the wooden floor, the large mirror (wall?) in the upper area. There was a pole in front of the mirror and three poles in the middle of the room. In the bottom-left, there were snacks and towels on a table with a water dispenser on the right. On the bottom-right, there were doors labeled "Females" and "Males". I assumed it was where people took showers, used the toilet, and changed. The boss gestured for me to take one of the leotards on the table. I grabbed it and entered the males' room. I slipped off my shirt and pants and put on the leotard. I walked out with my clothes hanging over my arms. I walked to the table and set my clothes there. "But first, what's your name? You never mentioned it. Wait, let me introduce myself first. I'm Sophia Williams." she commented. "Name's Eddie. Eddie Brock." I replied.

She walked over to the alone pole and asked me to pick one of the three poles. "Lets begin." she informed me. I walked over to one of the empty poles. "Lets start with a beginner's routine. First, apply pole grip." she sprayed it on herself and then handed it to me. I grabbed the bottle and followed her instructions. "The pole grip makes sure our hands aren't sweaty. Lets start the routine, copy me. Face the pole, body against it, bend your elbows and place you hands on the pole, locking your arms over the pole." she demonstrated. I then copied her and she gave me a thumbs up. She then pulled herself up and placed on leg on each side of the pole. "One leg over the other." she informed me. I tried to pull myself up, but failed. I was already breathing heavily. I tried again, partially succeeding. "It's ok, we have time to perfect it." she smiled at me. The minutes passed by as I tried to pull myself up.

A little while after, I finally managed to pull myself up without any facial expressions or struggle. "Good! You perfected it!" she complimented me. I smiled, feeling a little good about myself. I placed my legs on both sides of the pole and place one leg over the other, like she said. "Now arch your back, bring it back up, keeping your elbows bent. Extend your legs and slide down to the floor. Now you must remember to keep at least one of your elbows bent, it is not a middle split so keep your feet in front of you. Your legs are in a narrow V-shape." she added. I copied what she did, and re-did it multiple times to perfect it. A few tries later, I could pull myself up with ease, and I've perfected everything we have gone over so far, with a few "You're getting the hang of it!" and "Good Job!"s along the way.

"Now after you slid down to the floor, close your legs and bring the knees up, then your legs. Then open your legs, not fully, close and open again. Swing your right leg around as you bring your left leg down right next to the pole, knees together. Roll onto your belly, lifting your right leg and then pushing yourself up with your arms, then push yourself back, head down. Once your hips meet your heels, toss your head back. You try!" she said. I imitated her, this time, with a little more ease. Like all the other tries, I practice a few times before perfecting it.

"From here, grab the pole, bring your left foot forward, lean into the left so you can bring your right foot up. Stick your a-I mean butt out and stand up, then bring your booty back out. For the booty clap, go on your toes, and move your toes from inside to outside. Then twist with your arm on the upper-part of the pole, without moving your legs. Place your wrist on the pole, then grab the pole and pirouette. Step, dip, swing your legs back, and go into your backbend. Bring it up, turn and face the pole. Then step back with the outside foot, take three steps and swing with your legs up, then lock your left leg around the pole and slowly slide down with your right leg out, make sure you spin around fast. Bend your right knee when you get close to the floor, and settle down." she demonstrated it then allowed me to try. (It's fine for you to say ass you know, I'm not that innocent, use these lessons as an example.) This one was a bit harder than the other steps but I managed to perfect it too (somehow).

"Now put it all together!" she showed me all the steps together as I watched. I practiced doing it multiple times (more times than usual, ten tries to be exact) 'til I could do it easily and perfectly (FINALLY!). "Good job! You can go take a shower, change back into your normal clothes, and go home!" she congratulated me. I took my clothes and walked into the "Males". I took off the leotard, and placed it with my clothes on the sink. I slid the shower curtain to one side and stepped in.


I stepped out of shower, walking over to the towels. I dried myself off and grabbed my clothes from the sink and put it on. I grabbed the leotard before I left. "Oh you're done! Here some cash for your participation." she pulled a wad of cash out her pocket. "What? But we were only doing lessons?" I mentioned. "Well you said you needed the money." she said. I thanked her multiple times, took the money, and returned her leotard. I walked out with the same exact smile from yesterday, spread across my face. I then returned home, with that smile, still stuck on my face.


Author's Note

This lesson was from FIT 2 FLAUNT

Link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olg8TzAhbAw

I will try to post at least one chapter everyday, since I have school, the chapters may come out sometime between 6:00 pm-9:00 pm.

This chapter was way too boring and awkward in my perspective, you guys might've thought the same so I apologize.


1520 Words

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