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Third Person POV

Eddie was reddening, well, a bit. Was he always like this? He gulped, it's been so long since he has gotten a good thing by himself, something that could've turned out worse but didn't. Mutual feelings—something Eddie never really had—made Eddie delighted. Of course, he didn't get with Anne because she wasn't into him. "Wow," Eddie stated. He smirked. What was he feeling right now? Gleeful, captivated, and over the moon. "Haha..." Eddie chuckled. After a while of registering what had happened, he repeated the same words, "You like me too. Huh."

I do.


Their relationship was going slow and steady, actually, correction: fast and steady maybe? If that's possible. They have tried making out, which made them more comfortable kissing. The was one time when it led to something much more...sensational.

You're pitching a tent Eddie.... "Hmmm." Eddie was laying on his couch, making out with Venom, nothing new. But this time, he wanted a bit more.

"I am?" Eddie smiled. Eddie was subconsciously teasing Venom. He lifted his shirt with one of his hands, still smiling. "Could you take care of it for me?" He asked. He's never been like this before, never this desperate. Nothing can go wrong, we'll just take this slow and steady, it'll be a turning point in our relationship Eddie thought.

[I'm probably not skilled enough to write a whole smut scene-Author]


Something went wrong, not in a very bad way, just that Eddie could barely walk. "Remind me to never be horny again." He joked. He was walking slowly, limping. Nothing can go wrong my ass. I can barely walk! He thought. He still needed to check up on Sophia to see if she was alright. "So much walking..." Eddie groaned. He opened the door and stepped outside. He stood there to bathe in the sun, before making his way to the club.


"Hey Eddie," Sophia greeted him, her eyes were glued to her laptop screen. "What are you doing?" He asked. Sophia was on a scavenge hunt for more possible workers. After Oliver had left, she desperately needed another worker or workers. "I'm trying to find someone to replace Oliver," she told Eddie. She was scrolling through applications. She figured it was better to hire people online instead of placing a sign outside as she did with Eddie. "Aha!" Sophia jumped from her seat. Sophia had found somebody.

"Scott Dean." She showed her laptop to Eddie. Remember the person who was crying in The Reasons Why I Hate Oliver Thompson? Yeah, that's him. He had quit. His reason was that he couldn't take Oliver's insults and cruel treatment anymore. Now he's back and ready to perform again. But for some reason, she was feeling uncertain about hiring Scott. Like something was holding her back. But she didn't know what.

There was no reason to feel this way, but she couldn't help it. Hiring Scott was a good idea. There were no problems with him whatsoever. So why did she feel this way? She tried chasing the awful thought away with positivity. "Everything could change if we have Scott." She said to herself. Eddie had said the same thing a little while later after examining Scott's profile. Scott technically had experience and fit Oliver's role perfectly. He was sweeter than Oliver and was just as good-looking. No wonder Oliver kept bullying Scott, it seemed like Scott was getting too close to taking Oliver's role as "King".

Eddie agreed in hiring Scott, Scott had the potential to surpass Oliver and get the club in even better shape than what it was before. Scott had beach blonde hair with amber eyes. Golden eyes that someone would die for. Scott also had a good physique with tan skin and a windblown hairstyle like Oscar Isaac. His soft smile would make even a cold heart melt. He had almost forgotten to ask Sophia about how she felt. "Are you ok? After...Everything that just happened?" He asked.

She nodded, she was shooting a message to Scott. "Just give me some time, I'll be back and ready as ever in a few days." She finally gave a word answer. Eddie still felt bad of course, but just a bit better after Sophia confirmed that she was doing okay. "It's been a hell of a ride. A good and bad one. And I would like to say, thank you for making this happen. If you ever need anything I will be a call away. Thank you for hiring me and doing so much for me. You're the reason why I've made this many friends. I may not be able to pay you back fully in money, but I know I could do much more. I'm just glad that I'm still here and that we're still friends." He smiled.

Eddie wasn't too good at these types of speeches but he poured his heart out in every last word. Sophia had done so much for him. He was grateful that she didn't fire him yet, but even more grateful that they hadn't stopped being friends. Without Sophia, he would've been evicted and lonely forever, keeping his feelings and troubles bottled up, with Anne unaware of everything that happened. Dan would've still been two-timing her and Anne's friendship with Eddie would fade away.

Sophia chuckled, her eyes were tearing up. "You're welcome. And thank you, Eddie. You're the reason why I'm never alone on holidays anymore, and that I didn't need to hesitate to fire Oliver. And all you need to do to pay me back is stay friends with me...Hah, that was a bit cheesy. Sorry." Tears were streaming down her face at this point. She wiped away her tears and smiled.


Everything was going great for once. Everyone was happy. Eddie had found love, friends, and a new life for himself. He was no longer struggling in terms of cash. He had reconstructed his life. Scott was hired along with 3 other people who applied after Libido Paradox became more popular. Eddie was happy with his relationship.


How did you like the book? To be honest, I just reread my creation and I hated it, but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. It was cringe and gave me second-hand embarrassment multiple times. On the bright side, I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS BOOK. Honestly, I still love this book because it is the first book I POSTED (the first book I WROTE is way better than this lol). Thank all of you for staying with me on the journey! Thank you for reading. Love, an author who is practically tearing up right now, Notseggyswoman.

1175 Words

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