Thanksgiving Special

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Third Person POV

Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle all the way!

It is not Christmas yet

Oh what....Oh!

The narrator has forgotten Thanksgiving, we're sorry for the inconvenience

How could I forget the giving of thanks?

Simpleminded people can


Truly sorry, our narrator can be very narrowminded. Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself! I am the narrator's second being, their double. I'll be here to correct their mistakes. The author was the one to create me as a "backup, just-in-case, second narrator."

Grrrr. Let me talk!

You may take the stage.

Stupid, second, useless narrator! I could've caught my own mistake!

Correction: Smarter, second, useful, narrator.

Hey! You said I could take the stage! Whatever! Let's just get on with the story already!

Yes, you were taking up too much time.

What! No!


After the narrator's and second narrator's second quarrel

Now that that's over, I can get on with the story you've been waiting for.

Unlike Halloween, most of the staff members were celebrating Thanksgiving. However, Sophia, Eddie, and Quinton were not. "Eddie!" Sophia yelled, banging on the door to Eddie's apartment. Eddie, finally succumbed and opened his door. "Wanna celebrate Thanksgiving with me?" Sophia asked gleefully.

"I-uh." Eddie stuttered. "I-uh as in I uh-gree?" Sophia shouted, with more happiness than before. Eddie stood there, without a word coming out of his mouth, he was not speechless due to shock although. "All right! Let's go!" Sophia jumped. She grabbed Eddie's wrist then they ran off to ask more staff members.


A few staff members' houses later

"Quinton! Quinty! Quinton Xavier Samuel! Sequin!" Sophia copied what she did at Eddie's apartment but only this time she was at Quinton's house and was holding Eddie's wrist like a mom. The door opened and there stood Quinton. "Was it necessary to yell out the nicknames you gave me, my full name including middle name, all while banging on my door?" said Quinton.

"I suppose so since it got you to come out." Sophia answered. "That was a rhetorical question, anyways, what do you want?" Quinton said. "For you to join Eddie and I's Thanksgiving celebration." Sophia smiled, gleefully as always.

"If that was your question then why did you wake me up so early to ask me that!" Quinton yelled. It was 8:00 am, Quinton was as tired as a Koala, and as agitated as a girl when her hair gets messed up right after she just got it done.

"Well, I-uh...didn't actually buy the food or cook anything yet. So that's why I started asking people to join me at seven. Plus, to get the best deals and ingredients on Thanksgiving, you would want to be early." Sophia explained.

Quinton's POV

How delightful, Sophia invites me to celebrate Thanksgiving, yet she hadn't prepared anything. So so.....delightful.....However, ill-mannered isn't one of the many attributes I have. "Very well, I accept your invitation." I answered. "Thanks Quinty! We can watch a YouTube video and make the food ourselves! Now let's go to the supermarket!" Sophia replied, quicker than ever.

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