Newbie, Again

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Eddie's POV

It's been a week after 'that incident', I've been working nonstop and made a fat stack of cash since. I was working everyday. Why? Rent. Here's a recap of the past week.



I had come back from Anne's house. I was laying on my bed, and the neighbor was blast his music, nothing out of ordinary. I decided to call Anne to check up on her. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and dialed Anne's phone number. She picked up instantly. "Hey Anne, you ok?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Dan's gone too. I kicked him out. And guess what happened. Rosita slapped him!" she chattered. I smiled I could tell she was smiling without even seeing her face. "Good." I responded.

"Did you make it back home safely?"

"Well, yeah since I called you."

She chuckled.

"I'm gonna take a nap..."

"Alright, I 'll hang up now, bye."

I rolled over, face planting the bed. The neighbor had stopped his music. I closed my eyes, drifting asleep. Damn, he started his music again. Fuuuuuck.


Surprisingly, I managed to get SOME sleep. I got up and went to work, like a good employee. I take that back, I was late. Not a good employee. Speaking of work, I recently started doing private sessions with people.

Those sessions were mainly cuddling and me getting paid for the littlest things. People are weird, you bark because they asked you to and they pay you a hundred bucks. Easy money. My coworkers had been doing a lot a private sessions, being that they were here longer.

Apparently Carolina got a thousand dollars in cash by showing a guy her feet. She had forgotten to wear her stilettos and wore her converse sneakers instead, so her feet were covered. Getting paid for your mistakes would be a dream.

Quinton got payed $420 since he was talking to the person. And $69 later since he was "listening" to the person. As you can see he was not, well, semi-listening. Like I said, easy money.

Bella got three thousand because she had a rich girl who had no idea how to spend their money. She thought the session fee costed at least a thousand. Oh and she had a praising kink too. Imagine complimenting someone and getting $2500, sounds like Mr. Beast.

Enough about my coworkers getting paid lots for small things and back to my session. I had customer that I've seen plenty of times when working. They were sitting on the couch in the private session room. I walked over and sat next to them. "Hey remember me?" They asked. Uh.

"I see you a lotta times when I'm dancing. Thanks for the cash?"

"Hm, it seems like you don't."

I don't know what they meant by that. I've never actually interacted with or seen them before, except at work.

"Well obviously. Last time you saw me you wouldn't think we're the same person."


"To refresh your memory. One word. Venom."

That word seems very familiar, and I'm not talking about the time I got bit by a venomous snake while on a trip in Brazil. The snake was apparently a Jararaca, considerably dangerous and I got sent to the hospital with Anne worried.

Wait. Don't know if my memory works backwards, I remember things from way back when I wasn't broke but not things three months ago. Well three months is a pretty long time but four years is longer.

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