The Reasons Why I Hate Oliver Thompson

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This will be a filler episode but it's still important (kind of).

TW: A bit of swears.


Sophia's POV

I have never, ever told anyone about how much I hate Oliver Thompson, besides the asshole himself. I have also never made it clear to why, I hate Oliver. I hate explaining so let's take a trip down memory lane.

Memory Number One

I was walking back to my office from Subways, when I saw a stunning man in my office. "Is there a reason you're here sir?" I asked. I knew he was most likely here for a job but I had to play it cool. "I'm OBVIOUSLY here for a JOB." he said. "Ok, maybe he's not the best person to hire." I thought. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, they will contribute to the outcome." I told him. "Kay." he said. And so I began,

"Have you ever had sex before?"


"Will you be comfortable wearing scandalous outfits?"


"Will you be comfortable making out, cuddling, and etcetera with strangers?"


"Do you have experience in stripping, if not, do you dance?

"No, but I'm a genius at pole-dancing."

"Why do you want this job?"

"My body's too perfect to be covered."

He's a narcissist most likely, unless he's having a ego boost today. I needed more information on him, his answers were way too short. "Lets test out if you really are a genius at pole-dancing." I smirked. I signaled for him to follow me and I led him to the studio. "Pick a pole, any pole." I said. "What are you? A magician? 'Pick a pole, any pole!'" he mocked me, and laughed it off. Not funny.

My eye twitched, put I promised myself I wouldn't get mad (well at least not for small reasons). I had gone to anger management therapy to help with my anger, it helped a lot. So as a gift to my therapist, I promised myself to stop getting mad so easily. He walked over to the pole in the middle, the pole I used to teach newbies and grabbed the pole grip to apply it to his hands. I just stood there and watched him, a little while after, he had begun, I couldn't help but grin a little bit, I was excited, to see him fail! And to see him dance, or try to.

He had started to move gracefully, without any hesitation, and without a leotard. Everything came out smooth and I have to admit, he wasn't lying when he said he was good at pole-dancing. After his performance, I was too taken back to clap, or do anything. "What? Too amazed to even move? I know you are." he said. As much as I don't want to hire someone like him, I have to, he'd be a great addition. "You're...hired." I mumbled. "What was that? I'm hired? Thanks, I didn't need to know! I knew I was going to be hired anyways." he said confidently.

Memory Number Two

The day was like everyday, it was 7:00 am, I was walking to the club to go to work, stopped by a store to buy breakfast, and stopped in front of the club. I walked inside and everything was abnormally...empty. For a bunch of horny people (that are REGULARS in your club) you'd expect them to be in the club almost everyday. But not one person was here, let me repeat myself, not ONE person. I shrugged it off thinking that it was just a coincidence that everyone seems to be working today. I opened a door to stairs that led up to my office, I climbed up and entered my office, no staff was here either. "Oh yeah I forgot my makeup here." I remembered. You can guess what happens next, it's obvious.

I opened the bag I left at my desk to see destroyed makeup, staining my bag, MY VALETINO WHITE BAG. Plus, all my makeup was expensive, it was from Guerlain, Maybelline New York, Clarins, Lancôme, L'Oreal, Dior, Estee Lauder, and Chanel. Something caught my eye, it was yellow and in the shape of a square, oh, a post-it note. I reached over to it and read it, the words saying, "I saved you from looking like an ugly clown Sophia! Can't have you putting make-up onto your ugly face to make yourself uglier! Thank me later, XOXO, Oliver, your best stripper."

I felt my face heat up as my veins started starts to show, my mouth opened and I screamed out, "FUCK YOU OLIVER!" I thanked the fact that nobody was here (I think), and furiously got my phone out from the other bag I brought with me and dialed Oliver's number immediately. I waited a couple of minutes, tapping my foot continuously, almost growing madder and redder as the minutes passed by.

"Hey Sophia! Did you call me to thank me? I shouldn't even ask, I know you're going to thank me!" he picked up. I sighed and put on the nicest voice I could at the moment, saying "Oh Oliver, I am not here to say sorry, I came to say that I didn't appreciate that you made a mess with my makeup whilst ruining it. I'm sorry if it wasn't you and someone was trying to frame you but please, don't do it again." I lectured him. I let him off because he was new. "'Kay bye." he said shortly after my lecture. I was about to thank him for listening but I realized he had already hung up.

I sighed and left to the studio and saw "CLOWN" written in lipstick on the mirror. I was speechless for a while when my veins popped out once again, and I screamed, this time on the top of my lungs, "WHY YOU LITTLE!" I grabbed a towel from the table, and walked over to the mirror, then it hit me, the lipstick was written in Satin lipstick, the only lipstick I had that looked like it was Rouge G all-in-one lipstick, prestigious edition. That was two-hundred ninety dollars, down the drain. I wiped it quickly so I could spare myself the pain. "UGHHHH!" I groaned.


After cleaning all the lipstick off the mirror and rinsing the towel multiple times, the studio was spotless. I walked into the "Females" and took a shower, after the shower, I walked back into my office to check my phone. It was 9:00 am, I walked out and down to the clubbing area. The club was partially filled with staff members walking out. I sighed in relief (or maybe stress?) and walked back to my office.

Memory Number Three

It was 12:00 pm, I was in my office, ordering more pole grip gels and other things for the club. After a while, I finally finished (at 1:00 pm). I leaned back and was relaxing until I heard sobbing. Me, being curious and concerned, headed downstairs to find someone curled up next to the stairs. He was sobbing 'til he saw me. He quickly lifted his hands to cover his face and wipe off his tears. "Hey, are you okay?" I worried. "Boss? Yeah I'm fine." he managed to get out. I could tell he was trying not to stutter. "Tell me, what happened? I can help, or try to at least." I told him.

"... Oliver, he said I could never compare and other stuff... He knew I was sensitive..."

"Do you know why he might've said that?"

"No... He seemed to be very happy when he got to work. I hadn't said a word to him."

The poor guy started to cry again, choking on his sobs and sniffed. "It's okay... I'll handle it." I comforted him. I walked back to my office to grab napkins and some money and walked back down. "Here's some napkins and money, go buy yourself a large ice-cream cone." I offered him the ten-dollar bill. "Keep the change." I told him and left to talk to Oliver. Why can't he just stop?


Now that wasn't many memories, but it's better not to think about all the memories, since it would take at least an hour to get through all of them. After all, I have work.



Thank you for reading the past chapters (and this one)!

During the week (Monday-Friday), I will not be posting a lot due to school and homework. I will be posting 1-2 chapters on the week, I hope you can understand that. Yours Truly, The Author, Notseggsywoman.

1431 Words

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