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Second narrator POV

"Weird......" I muttered. I had gotten a notification saying that I would be narrating the story for a while. If I'm narrating the story....then what happened to the first narrator? Sure this was a great chance but something is just wrong here, gut feeling. I just can't help but think about them. Who knows? They could've been kidnapped, killed, fired, or they quit. My stomach churned. I'll go see them, I can't just stay here when they could be in an accident.

I opened the door, the light blinding me. Us narrators never had a solid house, we could change room, "morph" it into any type of room we want. But in the end, it turns into a white screen, like a fresh canvas. We can morph it by thinking of the room we want and how it looks. I imagined the front door. Just the front door. I opened the door to the outside.

Narrators aren't actually physical beings, we use artificial bodies (may or may not be a reference to Bleach, sincerely, Author) to walk around the real world. Though we don't really have a gender, our artificial bodies are random so our genders would also be random. I was a "male" human. I don't think I was anything too special. Green eyes and red hair. Not that the color of eyes or hair matter anyway.

Our artificial bodies appear right when we step outside. We can never step outside without our artificial bodies, not that it's possible to. But say if we do somehow, we'll have to get back to our 'house' immediately, no one knows what happens after. Narrators aren't actually able to travel to each other through the white screen, we all have different places, like how they do it in the real word. Narrators have a portable GPS built inside of them. Well it's like a GPS, it helps us find out where other narrators live but it doesn't work like a GPS.

Basically sensing other narrators and their houses. I was walking for a long time until I stopped in an alleyway. I touched the wall and slid open a door, the first narrator's room. I closed the door and my artificial body disappeared. "Hello?" I asked. My stomach was churning again, they didn't respond. I looked around the room and then I heard a groan. I hope that's them... I looked under the bed to see the first narrator.

Huh, could've sworn we didn't have bodies. Thought we were just, souls. I pulled them out, another groan escaping from their lips. " it?" said the first narrator, faintly. They opened their eyes, "It's you!" The first narrator said, louder this time. I crouched down and put my hand over their shoulder and smiled, nothing bad happened after all. They got up and I did too with them. I took my hand off their shoulder and started to speak. "Are you taking a break? I got notified today that I was going to be narrating.

"Yeah. Recently I have just been really tired and I figured it'd be best if I stopped forcing myself to work more. The author forced me on this break."

"Oh, well I'm glad that you're safe."


I was about to say "you're welcome" when they crashed onto me. I checked to see if they were okay. Ah, I didn't know we could get fevers. We're a lot like humans. I placed them onto their bed and tucked them in. I opened the door to their white screen. I imagined the kitchen, the white screen started morphing into a kitchen. I looked around to find an ice pack. I came back to the first narrator's room. They were tossing and turning in their bed. I walked over and put the ice pack on their head. They then stopped moving.

Third Person

The second narrator started to reach their hand out and lean over the bed but stopped shortly after. "No....What am I doing!" They said quietly so they wouldn't disturb the first narrator. Now you might be wondering who I am! I'm the author, I'm narrating since both of them are busy right now.

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