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Third Person POV

Eddie couldn't help but continue to think about that instance. It had been a few days since. Sophia was the first friend he had made in work, being that they have to talk so much since she's his boss. Of course he wanted to help her, but the best choice was to leave it alone. Although Eddie felt bad that we was going to leave her alone to deal with this problem. Like all the other days, he woke, repeated the same routine, and went straight to work. He was still clouded with unsure feelings.

Sophia's POV

Eddie had been talking to me about his most recent sessions. It's been mainly the same person over and over again. Eddie continues to comment about how the session went great and I think he might be falling for them. Relationships kind of get in the way of work and especially when you find love here. It usually wouldn't last too long. And once they're with you, they usually expect you to quit, 'cause you know, some partners don't like their partners working at a strip club. There are many reasons why you shouldn't get into a relationship right now, either with a customer or someone else. Sad truth. Really, I wouldn't advise relationships with the customers, but do whatever makes you happy.

I rather not have my employees getting heartbroken but I also rather not interfere with other's love lives. But if Eddie managed to get with that special person, I'd be happy. I went to peek in on one of his sessions with the person he's been talking non-stop about. Quite plain, nothing too special. Well, looks didn't matter anyways.


I had spent a extensive amount of time spying on the session, sure I had work to do being the boss and all that but it can wait. I mean, the deadline's tomorrow.... Wait.... THE DEADLINE'S TOMORROW. I ran away (quietly, on my tippy toes) from the session room and back to my office. And would you look at that, piles of paperwork. I frantically got to my desk and started the paperwork. Stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, sign, sign, sign..........


Oliver's POV

I was walking around the club, with a mask and a hoodie on. The people would trample me to death if I showed my face. Sometimes it's hard being so popular. Everyone wants you. They follow you around like paparazzi, or dogs! Not that I mind. I passed by the weirdo Jeremy, he was giving me a awful look. Oh yeah, and when your popular people want to go after you! Hah, it's still funny how people think they could stand a chance.

I passed by a room and it had caught my eye (hm, first time in a while). I started going back to that room, there was a small between the door and the doorframe that I could peek through. Huh, it was the new guy in the team. And a customer. It was a private session. Well, I'll be leaving, nothing to look at.


Third Person

Eddie had finished his session, it was with Venom, again. Eddie was enjoying himself more and more and those two were getting more comfortable with each other. Sophia continued to stamp and sign paperwork. She was going to be done, in a few days. She sped up again and again to try to finish this quicker, since she knew this fact.

Eddie was relaxing in the Staff Room with Bela. Bela wasn't necessarily the nicest person around but was really chill.


Oliver had gotten off his shift and walked towards the Staff Room, coincidentally, Eddie came out of the Staff Room the same time Oliver was about to open the door.

Eddie was about to leave before Oliver stopped him. "Is there a problem?" Eddie asked in disbelief. The guy that approached him was the same guy arguing with Sophia.

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