First Day

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Tw: Slight swears


Sophia's POV

Finally, after the breaks and rain, it is finally, Eddie's first day at work. Hopefully he's been working out 'cause work won't be easy. As I did everyday, I opened the club and got everything prepared for a long exhausting day of work.

Oliver's POV

What was her name? Sophie? Soph? So? Sauce? Sophomore? Anyways, she's so stubborn. She can't accept the fact that I'll takeover one day and she'll be left in the dust. Clownie got mad when I ruined her makeup, I mean, I saved her from looking like a mess! Bitch can't even thank me. She's not even good at using makeup, so I saved her from looking even more like a clown. She acts like she can compete with ME.

My competition won't last long anyways! They'll fall in love with me in the end and get heartbroken! Life's so hard when people are always confessing their love to you but they know they're not good enough for me. If they don't fall in love with me (somehow), they will just accept that I'm number one and then try to be one of my minions!

I'm the best, I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that. It's so sad when people try to get me to notice them! Honey, you're not special, besides, haven't you thought about the fact that you're not good enough for me? Fix your clothes, your face, your body, your mind, your personality, fix everything, then you will be good enough.

Let's get going to work now, another day of shoving Sophia into the dirt like the worm she is.

Eddie's POV

Guess today's my first day. I'm kind of nervous but at the same time, not really. Time to earn some cash. I was walking to the club and stopped by Mrs. Chen's convenience store. "Hey Mrs. Chen." I greeted her. "Hi Eddie." she greeted me back. "How's the store doing?" I asked. "Fine." she answered. I continued walking,

"How you doing Eddie?"

"Uhh... just fine."

She continued doing whatever.

"I kinda need painkillers, my back's been aching." I groaned.

"Then sit up straight, fix your posture and it'll stop hurting."

"Nah that's not gonna work."

"You have to try first. And meditate more, it's good for you."

"No thank you!" I yelled over the aisle.


"I have literally no idea what you just said."

She sighed, and raised her hand and waved it off. I searched the aisle for painkillers, Tylenol and Icy Hot. I managed to find both and went to the freezers and got some water. I walked back to the cashier register. I placed my items on the counter. "Twenty-five dollars." she told me. I took out my wallet and gave her a twenty dollar bill and a five dollar bill. I took my items and thanked her and left the building.

I took out my phone and looked at the time, it was 6:29 am. I took out a Tylenol pill and put it in my mouth, and swallowed it with some water. I walked back home to put what I bought there and stretch. I then walked to the club.

6:57 am

I arrived at the club, the lights were still dancing around even though the club looked completely different. Sophia was at the front. "Hey Eddie! You're-" she checked her phone "Three minutes early. C'mon, I'll show you around the staff room, introduce you to your coworkers, tell you everything you need to know about the job and then you can get settled!" I followed her to a wooden door with a white sign labeled, "STAFF ONLY".

She opened the door and stepped to the side for me to go in first, I thanked her and we then started the tour? No, maybe introduction? Whatever. "Meet Todd, Wile, Bill, Carolina, Johanson, Sonny, Quinton, Harol, Bela, Cole, and Oliver. I knew half of their faces because of the Halloween party, and Oliver, because I bumped into him.

"Nice to meetcha! I'm Wile, AKA Worth Your Wile." Wile introduced herself. I smiled at the pun. Todd, Bill, Quinton, and Oliver left, I think it was their shift. "I'm Carolina, nickname is Carolina Reaper, 'cause I'm HOT." Carolina continued. Next was Sonny, "Name's Sonny, my nickname is Sony, because I'm a good singer." Bela cleared her throat.

"Bela. Nickname Beautiful, my name is Portuguese for beautiful."

"Name is Cole! And my nickname is Coleslaw! You can tell I like it can't you."

"Me name Harol, nickname Hollering, everyone tells me I'm too loud!"

"Johanson. Nick's JoJo, 'cause everyone knew I was obsessed with JoJo Siwa when I was younger." He flushed.

They were leaving, one by one, must've been a real busy day, as Sophia showed me around. Bill, Todd, and Quinton came back. "Sorry, we were busy." they all said in unison. Quinton went first. "Quinton, pleasure to meet you." He gestured his hand, we both shook each other's hand. "Everyone calls me Dominant, Dommy, Dom, or Top, but don't mind them, they all have dirty minds. And no offense but that name is cringey." Then Bill stepped forward, "Hi, I'm Bill, people call me Bill Nye The Science Guy because I'm really good at science."

I could hear Sophia in the back chanting, "BILL BILL BILL." Lastly, Todd, "My name is Todd, nickname Toddy Boy. Everyone considers me to be a child. Apparently." Then it was my turn to introduce myself. "Hello I'm Eddie Brock! I will be working here starting today. I hope to get along with all of you!" I said.

They all smiled and shook my hand and walked over to the couch. Quinton sat down and Todd laid his head on Quinton's lap. Upon jumping onto the couch, Bill bounced everyone around. Sophia waved her hand around in my face, saying, "We gotta go now. I needa show you your locker." I nodded and followed her.

This is your locker, your locker code is 42,0,27. She opened the locker, showing me some clothes and grip gel.


After the whole tour and explanations, I was finally going to start work. I wore the clothes (more like boxers and that Sophia gave me, she told me, "You can't wear a lot while pole-dancing since the clothes will make you slip." I took a deep breath and walked out of the staff room.

"Good luck out there." Sophia cheered me on. One of the dancers got of, I think that was my cue. I walked over and stepped onto the stage. "New huh?" a man winked. I decided to ignore it and began.
(The dance):

Another after the other.

(The other dances):

The dances continued, as I was being handed cash. I tucked the cash away (somewhere near the stage entrance). I smirked, everyone was cheering. I saw Quinton come out, and mouth " Your shift is over." I looked at the crowd and yelled, "Shift's over!" Could've sworn the whole crowd groaned in unison, with some people chattering.

I stepped down the stage and walked back to the staff's room. "Splendid performance!" Quinton congratulated me. I thanked him and went to my locker to take out my clothes and then went to shower.

Long Time skip
I was walking home and greeted Maria along the way. I checked my phone, it was already 2 am. After a while, I finally got back. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. I have another day in front of me.


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

1264 Words

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